Author: andi
I did several tests on different machines with a smaller set of tables (about 30.000 

First of all, the search.cgi seems to be the fastest - of course. The PHP-solution is 

I noticed some differences between Apache and AOLserver, too. Additionally you can try 
to either use PgSQL or MySQL. People say, that MySQL is faster. I am a BIG MySQL-Fan 
and using MySQL since years :)  

But recently i decided (i got too much time to mess around with at a weekend) to give 
PgSQL a try. To completely do a little revolution on the testing environment i changed 
the webserver to AOLserver too. 

The current environment is AOLserver 3.2 with PHP 4.0.4 and PgSQL 7.0.3.  That rocks!  
The system is a regular supermarket PC PIII-700 with 512MB Ram installed using an aged 
IDE-Drive with 15 GB. 

There is not a single query what needs longer than 0.5 seconds. Since there are only 
30.000 entries in the url table, that might be okay. Hopefully i can test a few 
hundred thousand url entries in the url table soon. Currently my testing is a little 
bit stalled because of indexer segfaults in 3.1.8 version :/

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