Author: andi

i\'m trying to get other files than text/html in addition to the regular html files 
into my index too, for example MP3 (and others).

The first step i did was to compile with --enable-mp3.

Next thing in indexer.conf:
CheckMp3Tag yes

Then i added a few frequently used mime-types (copy these for your needs):

AddType text/plain                      \\.pl$ \\.js$ \\.txt$ \\.h$ \\.c$ \\.pm$ \\.e$
AddType text/html                       \\.html$ \\.htm$
AddType image/x-xpixmap                 \\.xpm$
AddType image/x-xbitmap                 \\.xbm$
AddType image/gif                       \\.gif$
Addtype audio/wav                       \\.wav$ 
AddType application/mac-binhex40        \\.hqx$
AddType application/msword              \\.doc$
AddType application/pdf                 \\.pdf$
AddType application/postscript          \\.ai$ eps$ ps$
AddType application/rtf                 \\.rtf$
AddType application/   \\.ppt$
AddType application/x-bzip2             \\.bz2$
AddType application/x-cpio              \\.cpio$
AddType application/x-dvi               \\.dvi$ 
AddType application/x-gzip              \\.gz$ \\.tgz$
AddType application/x-javascript        \\.js$
AddType application/x-rpm               \\.rpm$
AddType application/x-shockwave-flash   \\.swf$
AddType application/x-stuffit           \\.sit$
AddType application/x-tar               \\.tar$
AddType application/zip                 \\.zip$
AddType audio/basic                     \\.au$ \\.snd$
AddType audio/midi                      \\.mid$ \\.midi$ \\.kar$
AddType audio/mpeg                      \\.mpga$ \\.mp2$ \\.mp3$
AddType audio/x-pn-realaudio            \\.ram$ \\.rm$
AddType audio/x-realaudio               \\.ra$
AddType audio/x-wav                     \\.wav$
AddType image/gif                       \\.gif$
AddType image/jpeg                      \\.jpeg$ \\.jpg$
AddType image/png                       \\.png$
AddType image/tiff                      \\.tiff$ \\.tif$
AddType model/vrml                      \\.wrl \\.vrml$ 
AddType text/css                        \\.css$
AddType text/rtf                        \\.rtf$
AddType text/sgml                       \\.sgml$ \\.sgm$
AddType video/mpeg                      \\.mpeg$ \\.mpg$ \\.mpe$
AddType video/quicktime                 \\.qt$ \\.mov$
AddType video/x-msvideo                 \\.avi$
AddType video/x-sgi-movie               \\.movie$
AddType application/unknown             .*

Now, i\'m running indexer to get URLs into the index. I speciefied certain URLs and 
files directly, for example a few MP3 files, a few images and others. Indexer runs on 
these files and it seems that id doesn\'t skip them. Seems to work fine.

Afterwards i\'m trying to do a search: no results except for HTML-files. When i do a 
search on a certain filename from an MP3 file what has been indexed before, i don\'t 
have any search results for that query.

I checked the db with a few manual queries, and there are entries for MP3 files with 
content_type \"audio/mpeg\" for example. The fields \"keywords\" or \"description\" 
does not contain any content. 

What is wrong with my configuration?

Thank you,

P.S.: the programmer of this webboard-script should do a stripshlashes()-command 
somewhere, to get rid of these extra-slashes in the messages of the users ;)

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