actually, PgSQL works quite effectively if you stay away from search.c and
move towards something like the Perl front-end ... we switched, and the
difference in response times was like going from night->day ... right now,
our index database is running:

%sbin/indexer -S etc/udmsearch.conf

          UdmSearch statistics

    Status    Expired      Total
         0          0          6 Not indexed yet
         1          0          2 Unknown status
       200          0      13446 OK
       301          0        160 Moved Permanently
       302          0         18 Moved Temporarily
       304          0      89691 Not Modified
       400          0          1 Bad Request
       401          0          6 Unauthorized
       403          0          6 Forbidden
       404          0        908 Not found
       500          0         36 Internal Server Error
       503          0         16 Service Unavailable
     Total          0     104296

udmsearch=# select count(1) from ndict;
(1 row)

On Thu, 11 Jan 2001, gluke wrote:

> Author: gluke
> Message:
> If you want to use SQL backends for your search, try to use MySQL server. Our tests 
>show that this is the fastest solution for mnoGoSearch with SQL databases.
> Reply: <>
> ______________
> If you want to unsubscribe send "unsubscribe udmsearch"

Marc G. Fournier                   ICQ#7615664               IRC Nick: Scrappy
Systems Administrator @
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