Does indexer hung on local web space or remote servers which are 
far from indexer's machine?

mocha wrote:
> Author: mocha
> Message:
> i\'ve seen this too. i would start like 10 indexer processes and let them run 
>overnight. then when i wake up in the morning, i see most are in a stale idle state. 
>the associated postgres process is also in idle.
> i\'m not sure if it\'s relevant, but it started happening after i reached about 
>20,000 web pages indexed.
> here you can see that 3 of the indexers are just sitting idle:
> 22838 p1  I    0:33.82 indexer
> 18309 p3  Is   0:00.05 -sh
> 18312 p3  S    0:00.21 sh
> 22945 p3  I    0:11.62 indexer -l
> 22948 p3  I    0:14.57 indexer -l
> 22951 p3  S    0:33.17 indexer -l
> 22953 p3  S    0:24.93 indexer -l
> just last night after indexing for a long time, in the morning i found all 10 
>indexers stalling. i sent a \'kill -HUP\' to the idling indexer processes, and 
>executed indexer again. then they started indexing. it\'s been a few hours and a few 
>are starting to go stale or idle again.
> i\'m on NetBSD/Alpha 1.5.1_ALPHA. again, i didn\'t see this behavior \'til around 
>20,000 URLs indexed.
> # indexer -S
>           UdmSearch statistics
>     Status    Expired      Total
>    -----------------------------
>          0       8835       9921 Not indexed yet
>        200          0      23068 OK
>        300          0          1 Multiple Choices
>        301          0         13 Moved Permanently
>        302          0         32 Moved Temporarily
>        401          0          1 Unauthorized
>        403          0         15 Forbidden
>        404          0        215 Not found
>        500          0          1 Internal Server Error
>        503          0          6 Service Unavailable
>    -----------------------------
>      Total       8835      33273
> i just checked before sending this message, and ALL four indexers are stale again:
> 22838 p1  I    0:33.82 indexer
> 18309 p3  Is   0:00.05 -sh
> 18312 p3  S    0:00.21 sh
> 22945 p3  I    0:11.62 indexer -l
> 22948 p3  I    0:14.57 indexer -l
> 22951 p3  I    0:36.71 indexer -l
> 22953 p3  I    0:25.60 indexer -l

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