Zenon Panoussis wrote:
> Zenon Panoussis skrev:
> >
> > > We found a bug. Please find patches against sql.c and cache.c
> > > in attachement.
> > The patch didn't work by itself, so I did the replacements manually.
> > The patched source compiled without complaints. I replaced the old
> > search.cgi with the new one but site search still doesn't work.
> > Should I re-run splitter or re-index completely?
> I completely re-indexed some documents with indexer -a -g (category)
> with the patched compilation. Site search (ul) still doesn't work.
> I am using it in the form of
>    <input type="text" name="ul" size=40 value="http://">
> and fill in http://www.domain.dom/ (domain.dom being one of the just
> re-indexed servers) before hitting "search".
> Now what?

No ideas. Probably to download current sourses. After previous patch we
reproduce the bug.
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