> Basically, my UNIX/LINUX knowledge is non-existant. I've FTP'd the tar file
> to our LINUX box, and have extracted it... but where to go from there??? I
> haven't got a clue.

If that is so, you are bound to run into problems all the time. 
Perhaps installing a search engine is not the first thing you 
should do as basic Linux training. 

Anyway, I'll try to help you a bit on the way. In the following 
I assume that you are logged is as root. If you don't have root 
access to your machine, more steps are needed, marked with [*]. 
In such case, ask again.

- Install your database (mysql or whatever you are going to use).
  Make sure it is working.
- Download the .tar.gz file on your home directory, e.g. /root 
- Unpack it with #tar zxvf mnogosearch-3.1.10.tar.gz 
- Move into the newly created directory with #cd mnogosearch-3.1.10
- [*]
- Prepare the source with #./configure --with-[your_database]
- Compile with #make && make install
- You will now have a new directory called /usr/local/mnogosearch 
  Go there with #cd /usr/local/mnogosearch/etc 
- Create a new database and tables in it. Since I don't know 
  what database you are using, I can't help you here. Note that 
  you have to take at least two steps: (1) create the database, 
  (2) create the sql tables in it. Two additional steps that 
  are highly recommended but not necessary are to (3) add the 
  stopword tables of your choice and (4) create a new user on 
  the database, so that indexer and search don't run as root.
- Edit indexer.conf with #vi indexer.conf (this is torture: 
  now you have to learn vi while trying to install the search. 
  I'm sorry to tell you, vi is a bitch. Anyway, use the arrows 
  to move around. Use i to enter insert mode. Use [esc] to exit 
  insert mode. Use [esc]:x[enter] to save and exit with these 
  four things you should be able to edit a file).

  If you edit the following items to correspond to your settings 
  you will have a minimal working configuration:
   - DBAddr  (example: mysql://username:password@machine/database/ )
   - DBMode  (example: single)
   - LocalCharset (example: LocalCharset iso-8859-1 )
   - Server (example: Server path http://www.domain.dom/path )
  For DBMode and LocalCharset all you need to do is uncomment 
  the right line (remove the "#" is front of it). Save and exit.
- Copy search.htm-dist to search.htm with the command 
  #cp search.htm-dist search.htm
- Edit search.htm with #vi search.htm . Adjust DBAddr, DBMode and 
  LocalCharset to the exact same settings as in indexer.conf. 
  Don't touch anything else. Save and exit.
- [*]
- Find where the cgi-bin directory of your webserver is. If you 
  are running apache without virtual domains it will be in 
  /var/www/cgi-bin or /vol/www/cgi-bin or something similar. 
  If you are working on your ISP's machine, ask the ISP. 
- Copy search.cgi to the cgi-bin directory. Assuming that you 
  are still in /usr/local/mnogosearch/etc , you do that with 
  #cp ../bin/search.cgi /[full_path_to/cgi-bin/search.cgi . 
- [*]
- Try to access search.cgi with your browser. Go to 
  http://www.your_domain.dom/cgi-bin/search.cgi . If you get 
  a search box, you have come a long way. If not, you need 
  more help. When asking for it, describe exactly what you 
  did, how you did it, what worked or did not and what 
  error messages you are getting.
- Change to the sbin directory of the mnogo installation. 
  Assuming that you are still in /usr/local/mnogosearch/etc , 
  do #cd ../sbin 
- Start indexer with #./indexer -a -c 300  . This will cause 
  indexer to run for 5 minutes and stop. Go back to your 
  browser and search for a word that you know occurs in the 
  files that you just saw indexer index. If you get results, 
  you have come a very long way. I that case you can 
- Re-start indexer with #./indexer  and let it finish its job. 

Good luck.


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