* Mysterious Radio Waves Emitted From Nearby Galaxy - Space - io9   
 * Mass Abduction By UFO Of Russian Cult "The Followers" Caught On Tape In 
Egypt. |UFO | UFO Videos | UFO Sighting | Alien Pictures | Abduction | 
Mutilation | Extraterrestrial | 2010   
 * Va a suceder la "divulgación" o el contacto extraterrestre en 2012?    
* Tony Blair Stands Accused  
* 2012: Cataclysmic breakdown or Y2K makeover? ET/UFO contact? 
DNA/Consciousness transformation?   
* Don't talk to aliens, warns Stephen Hawking - Times Online    
* UFOs - scientific research: Exopolitics - my comments   
* UFOs - scientific research: Exopolitics 4    
* New York Council Of The Navy League Photo Gallery - CNO Luncheon 2010    
* Tenth Fleet, UFO/ET Disclosure   
* NEW HOPE FOR HUMANITY - live streaming video powered by Livestream    
* The Road to Area 51 - latimes.com   
* Will extraterrestrial "disclosure" or contact happen in 2012?    
* Bizarre Explanations for Earthquakes - AOL News    
* Alfred Lambremont Webre - Live Show [Procaster] Fri Apr 23 2010 12:02:43 AM 
on NEW HOPE FOR HUMANITY - live streaming video powered by Livestream 


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