Hello All,

Sunay, distinguished engineer at SUN and architect of many of the
networking technologies in Solaris, is in Bangalore during this week.
I would like to make use of this opportunity to
organize a BOSUG meet and get him to discuss about his work and ideas
related to opensolaris.

Sunay will discuss about some of the work going on in the opensolaris
networking space and more importantly about the Network OS, an idea of
his that a couple of SUN engineers from Bangalore who are also some of
our active BOSUG members have been working at since a few weeks to
make this into a larger initiative.

This opens up interesting and excellent opportunities to collaborate
early on in the initiative.

Related links:
Time            : 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Venue          :  Himalaya Conference Room.
                      Sun Microsystems, Divyashree Chambers
                      Off Langford Road, (Near Richmond Circle)
                      Bangalore - 25
(Route map is attached)

Those interested in attending are requested confirm by responding to
me (NOT the list) by email. Provide your name in "FirstName LastName".
(Please do not modify the subject or do not write a new mail. Reply to
this mail)

On the day, at the venue, go to the 4th floor, get the visitor badge
and come down to the Himalaya Conference Room at the ground floor.

best regards
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