I am embarrassed!  :-[ 

Since I had executed sys-unconfig, the root passwd had got reset to 
blank password.


The sys-unconfig command is used to restore a system's configuration to 
an "as-manufactured" state, ready to be reconfigured again. The system's 
configuration consists of hostname, Network Information Service (NIS) 
domain name, timezone, IP address, IP subnet mask, and root password. 
This operation is the inverse of those performed by the sysidnet(1M) 
<http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/816-5166/sysidns-1m?a=view>, and 
<http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/816-5166/sysidsys-1m?a=view> programs 
run at boot. See sysidtool(1M) 

sys-unconfig does the following:



      Removes the file /etc/defaultrouter.


      Removes the password set for root in /etc/shadow. <======  Missed

Reminded me that I haven't done any meaningful sys admin stuff for too 

Thanks for all the suggestions. 

Best Regards,
Madhan Kumar

Abhilash wrote:
> Hi,
>  I dont know whether this will help you. I found this while I was trying to 
> fix some issues with my installation. Hope it proves helpful to you
> http://www.tech-recipes.com/solaris_system_administration_tips122.html
> regards
> Abhilash
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