Dear Sivakumar,

Thank you. It worked.

I installed the package, audio did not work, these were the erros,
support request submitted to 4Front technolgies with the sounon.log

Installing Open Sound System as <oss>

## Installing part 1 of 1.

[ verifying class <none> ]
[ verifying class <drvcfg> ]

## Executing postinstall script.
Setting up Open Sound System....please wait
Driver (osscore) not installed.
add_drv -m '* 0666 root sys' osscore
add_drv -m '* 0666 root sys' -i '"pci10de,26c"' hdaudio
devfsadm: driver failed to attach: hdaudio
Warning: Driver (hdaudio) successfully added to system but failed to attach
add_drv -m '* 0666 root sys' -i '"usbif,class1" "usb763,1001"
"usb763,1002" "usb 763,1014" "usb763,1015" "usbif763,classff"
"usb499,1009" "usb499,101e"' ossusb
add_drv -m '* 0666 root sys' vmix
add_drv -m '* 0666 root sys' sadasupport
audio_renum: No such device or address
mixer_renum: No such device or address
No mixers in the system
audio_renum: No such device or address
mixer_renum: No such device or address

Adding OSS startup scripts to /etc/rc3.d and /etc/init.d


Installation of <oss> was successful.
# osstest
Sound subsystem and version: OSS 4.0 (b1006/200708291218) (0x00040002)
Platform: SunOS/i86pc 5.10 Generic_118855-33

NOTICE! You don't have any audio devices available.
        It looks like your audio hardware was not recognized
        by OSS. Please contact 4Front technologies for help
        ( Don't forget to
        include your soundon.log file to the support request.

On 9/24/07, S h i v < at> wrote:
> On 9/24/07, Sivasubramanian Muthusamy <shiva.madras at> wrote:
> > Hello
> >
> > Logged in as root user, I downloaded oss-solaris-v4.0-1006-i386.pkg
> > into my root directory and to add the package I typed pkgadd
> > oss-solaris-v4.0-1006-i386.pkg but there was an error message that
> > said pkgadd: ERROR: no packages were found in </var/spool/pkg>
> >
> > I copied the file onto the var/spool/pkg directory and tried the
> > pkgadd command both from inside the /var/spool/pkg directory as well
> > as from the root directory, the same error message repeats.
> >
> > Please tell me how to do this ?
> >
> cd <path of pkg file>
> pkgadd -d <pkg filename>
> If the package is in the form of a directory instead of a pkg file, then,
> pkgadd -d . <package dir>
> -Shiv
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