S h i v wrote:
> Hello All,
> The FOSS.IN/2007 Call for Participation is announced and the
> speaker/talk registration is now open. I see that the announcement has
> already been picked up on Indiana mailing list.
> As announced in my earlier mail FOSS.IN/2007 is a 5 day program spread
> across has 2 project day sessions and 3 conference day sessions.
> OpenSolaris will have one dedicated project day
> http://www.genunix.org/distributions/belenix_site/?q=foss2007
> Myself along with some of the BOSUG (Bangalore OpenSolaris User Group)
> members are co-ordinating the OpenSolaris related programs.
> We would like to have a fantastic OpenSolaris community presence in
> the conference.
> I request some of you to consider registering as a speaker for the event.
> Note that the topics for the project day sessions are pre-determined
> and the speakers are to choose one of these topics. The sessions for
> the conference days are open.
> Speakers may choose to present in either of them depending on the
> suitability of the topic.
> The details are available in the CfP at
>          http://foss.in/2007/info/Call_for_Participation
> Register as a speaker at
>          https://foss.in/2007/register/speakers
> Also, would appreciate if you can let me know once you submit the
> proposal esp in case it is for the project day to help co-ordinate.

I proposed a general OpenSolaris talk.


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