Hi All,

i installed Belenix 0.5 on my harddisk like older versions of Belenix. there
is no problem on installation.
but while booting, the file system was mounted as read only.

this is the Warning messages i am getting while booting...

Warning : The following files in / differ from the boot archive
Hostname : belenix05

The recommeded is to reboot and select the "Solaris failsafe" option from
the boot menu.
Then follow the prompts to update the boot archive. To continue booting at
your own risk,
you may clear the service by running : "svcadm clear system/boot-archive"

oct 4 20:15:20 svc.startd[7] :svc:/system/boot-archive:default:method
"/lib/svc/method/boot-archive" failed with exit status 95.

oct 4 20:15:20 svc.startd[7] :svc:/system/boot-archive:default failed
fatally : transitioned to maintenance(see 'svcs -xv' for details)
Requesting system maintenace mode(see /lib/svc/share/README for more

console login service(s) cannot run

root password for system maintenance(control-d to bypass) :            [ i
entered the password]

single -user privilege assigned to /dev/console
Entering system maintenance mode
oct 5 00:01:31 su:'su root' succeed for root on /dev/console

Belenix 0.5(Sun OS 5.11) sep 2006

For KDE Desktop execute : startgui kde
For Xfce Desktop execute  : startgui xfce

(root at belenix05)# startgui kde
svcadm:svc:/application/xserver:default:Repository read-only
/usr/bin/startgui:/.desk:cannot create

(root at belenix05)# startgui xfce
svcadm:svc:/application/xserver:default:Repository read-only
/usr/bin/startgui:/.desk:cannot create

(root at belenix05)# touch file
touch:file cannot create

(root at belenix05)# mkdir a
mkdir:Failed to make directory "a"; Read-only file system

(root at belenix05)# vi 1.c
"/var/tmp/Exvlaaja" Read-only file system


 i downloaded this ISO image from belenix home page
 i checked md5sum also, it matches with that, so there is problem in
 and there is no problem on installation also.

 i tried for 3 times on fresh harddisk without any other partition and got
same error..

 anyone else got the same problem?

  where i am wrong?

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