Haven't tried this.  BeleniX supporting this is probably not going
to happen because of licensing issues.  As far as I know, the module
has BSD, GNU and CDDL code all hacked together!

It has been reported to work, but I would still advise people to use
it at their own risk.  Preferably do not try it on a production box
which might have important data.


On Mon, May 29, 2006 at 01:00:28PM +0530, Sriram Narayanan wrote:
> Hi all:
> Has anyone tried the information given at 
> http://www.sun.drydog.com/faq/9.html
> Question 9.24 "Can I access Linux (ext2fs) partitions from Solaris?"
> Do I need to do this, or does Belenix  0.4.3 have some form of built
> in support for ext2/ext3 partitions ?
> My goal is to get the binaries built and make them available for Belenix.
> I tried to get Wine to build last night and have had some measure of
> success with fixing issues. The compilation has not completed since I
> ran out of disk space :) I'm looking at using my ext2 partitions for
> additional space.
> -- Ram
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