On 05/17/09 20:09, Sriram Narayanan wrote:
> On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 6:40 PM, Tirthankar <Tirthankar.Das at sun.com> wrote:
>> That helped :)
>> The VBGuest additions was creating problems. Removing and reinstalling the
>> VB guest additions  fixed the issue though it required a mysterious boot in
>> single user mode where i did nothing.
> Hey, I just recalled that I've faced this problem before myself, but
> with Ubuntu.
> How did looking at the /var/log/Xorg.0.log help ? Were there any
> messages related to VBGuest additions ?
Yep. VBGuest addition some module failed to load. Don't remember the 
name. Uninstalling guest additions and then re installing and then 
booting didn't help. Just for fun booted to single user and then booted 
back and it worked.

Unfortunately my VM is back to the old state of not booting in GUI mode 
and the culprit is "vboxvideo" module. It fails to load. Dont know why.

>> Thanks,
>> Tirthankar
>> http://blogs.sun.com/tirthankar
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