
Just checking in to see if you saw this note.  The Bangalore OSUG is one
of the most active and I think you have a lot to share.  Are any of the
leaders interested in coming to San Francisco at the end of June?  If
so, please get in touch soon.

We have a limited number of travel scholarships available.  We also hope
to have participation from OSUG leaders around the world.  If you would
like to be considered for one of these scholarships, please answer the
following and get this back to me by Friday, 4/24.  If you do not need a
scholarship, but can attend, please let us know that too!  (I am not
sure about internal funding yet, but if you are interested and your
manager will not fund it, I'll look into it.)

1.  What can you contribute to this meeting?
2.  What would you like to gain from this event?
3.  How will you share the information you gain from this event with
other OSUG leaders in your area/country?
4.  How much assistance/funding would you need to be able to attend?

Hope to hear more from you,

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [osug-leaders] Interested in coming to CommunityOne in SF?
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 14:38:46 -0700
From: Teresa Giacomini <teresa.giacom...@sun.com>
To: osug-leaders at opensolaris.org

OSUG Leaders,

Great news!  We are having an OSUG Bootcamp at CommunityOne West /
JavaOne in San Francisco June 1-3.  We have a limited number of travel
sponsorships available.  If you are an active OSUG leader, please let us
know how you could contribute to this event, what you would like to gain
from this event, your ability to share the information you gain with
other OSUG leaders in your area, and the amount of assistance you would
need to be able to join us.  Our goal is to have leaders from all over
the globe share with each other their best practices.  Please respond to
me directly by Friday April 24th.  We'll get back to you by Friday May
1st with more information.

I look forward to meeting some of you in June!

osug-leaders mailing list
osug-leaders at opensolaris.org

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