On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 11:56 AM, Angad Singh <angad at angadsingh.in> wrote:
> I'll explain the scenario again:
> (1) There is a "storage server" (which I called PC earlier). It has the NTFS
> drives. It has OpenSolaris b98 running. The NTFS drives are mounted using
> FSWpart and FSWfsmisc packages.
> (2) There is a laptop. It has Windows.
> I want to access (1)'s data on (2).

Aaah ! Then the NFS error will be something to deal with. SSH, FTP,
HTTP are the only mechanisms that I can think of.

Unless you smb export some other folder which could contain a symlink
to the NTFS mount (on the machine 1).

Haven't tried such stuff and I'm away from OpenSolaris boxes, so can't
help more at the moment.

> But when I try to share the data on (1) using CIFS (SMB), it says it cannot
> share something which is already an NFS mount. The NTFS partitions on the
> server are mounted on the server as local NTFS mounts.
> From
> :http://www.genunix.org/distributions/belenix_site/binfiles/README.FSWfsmisc.txt
> The approach used here uses a userland NFSv2 server to access filesystems on
> raw partitions. So the NFS client in the kernel is used to access the
> server.
> Thus the kernel's mount table always shows the filesystem as NFS and the
> device
> as You will need to execute "/usr/bin/xlsmounts" to see the
> real
> detailed info.
> Due to the same reason "/usr/bin/xumount" must be used to unmount the
> filesystem and kill the NFS server.
> The current implementation uses a minimal NFSv2 server and provides
> read-only
> access. However the ntfsprogs utilities like: ntfsls, ntfscp etc. do provide
> read/write access to NTFS partitions.
> The NTFS mount implementation does not yet suport compressed NTFS volumes
> and
> is a bit low on performance.  However the ntfsprogs utilities can access
> compressed volumes and perform well.
> The bundled ntfsprogs utilities like: ntfsls, ntfscp etc.  only operate on
> primary partitions.
> --
> Angad Singh
> http://angadsingh.in
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