
I"m creating a storage based on ZFS file system. I have 3 hard disk of 500 GB 
capacity, totaling to almost 1.4 TB. 

now when i create a raidz pool with these 3 disks

zpool create mypool raidz c0d0 c0d1 c1d1 

my understanding & what i've read from zfs best practices says, that i should 
get approx 1 TB as Storage space, but i get 1.4 TB as the storage. 

any ideas what am i doing wrong.

for reference : info from zfs best practices:
A RAID-Z configuration with N disks of size X with P parity disks can hold 
approximately (N-P)*X bytes and can withstand P device(s) failing before data 
integrity is compromised.   Start a single-parity RAID-Z (raidz) configuration 
at 3 disks (2+1)

Arun Tomar
blog: http://www.linuxguy.in/
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