I had missed this mail. Might be of interest to people who are
contributing to SFE.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dermot McCluskey <dermot.mcclus...@sun.com>
Date: Tue, Feb 12, 2008 at 11:16 PM
Subject: [desktop-discuss] New JDS  source repository
To: OpenSolaris Desktop Discussions <desktop-discuss at opensolaris.org>

 This contains important information for JDS Developers,
 especially Maintainers of the new Indiana packages.

 There is now an additional repository for JDS spec files,
 % svn co \
   svn+ssh://YOUR_ID at svn.opensolaris.org/svn/jds/spec-files-other/trunk \

 This is intended for packages that are targeted for
 Nevada and/or Indiana repositories, but which are
 *not* GNOME community projects, eg Python, dcraw.
 Specs for GNOME projects (eg projects where the source
 is downloaded from gnome.org) should be put in the
 existing "spec-files" repository.

 I have initially populated spec-files-other with specs
 taken from spec-files-extra for 15 of the "core"
 Indiana pkgs (renamed from SFE* to SUNW*).  I would
 like the maintainers of these pkgs to check that
 spec-files-other contains the correct sources and to
 make all future changes for these pkgs in spec-files-other:
 - dcraw, Brian Nitz
 - gst-python, Darren Kenny
 - id3lib, Christian Kelly
 - libcddb, Michal Pryc
 - pysqlite, Darren Kenny
 - python-imaging, Darren Kenny
 - python-mysql, Darren Kenny
 - python-setuptools, Darren Kenny
 - python-twisted, Darren Kenny
 - python-xdg, Darren Kenny
 - python-zope-interface, Darren Kenny
 - rdesktop, Michal Pryc
 - rrdtool, Michal Pryc
 - xdg-user-dirs, Darren Kenny
 - xdg-utils, Darren Kenny

 Maintainers of the following new GNOME projects should
 integrate their specs immediately to the existing spec-files
 repository.  For projects that cannot build with 2.21 (eg
 the C++ libs), please just integrate into the gnome-2-20
 stable branch (once you have approval).  gnome-power-manager
 should only go into trunk (as it is targeted for b88) and
 gnome-python-extras should go into both (after approval).
 - cairomm, Ghee Teo
 - glibmm, Simon Zheng
 - gnome-power-manager, Jeff Cai
 - gnome-python-extras, Darren Kenny
 - gtkmm, Chris Wang
 - sigcpp, Elaine Xiong
 Please do this ASAP so we can get regular builds going.

 The remaining packages are already in spec-files and should
 continue to be maintained there (gmime should be copied
 to the gnome-2-20 stable branch):
 - avahi, Padraig O'Briain
 - bdw-gc, JiJun Yu/Jerry Tan
 - gmime, Halton Huo/Jerry Tan
 - tracker, Jerry Tan

 If there are any questions or problems accessing the repositories,
 please contact me.

 - Dermot
 desktop-discuss mailing list
 desktop-discuss at opensolaris.org

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