According to traditional, semi-legendary historical accounts preserved in
Livy <>, during the earliest period of the
[Romane] Republic the laws were kept secret by the
* and other representatives of the
patrician<>class, and were
enforced with untoward severity, especially against the
plebeian <> class. A plebeian named
Terentilius <> proposed in 462
BC<>that an official legal
code <> should be published, so
that plebeians could not be surprised and would know the law.

Patricians long opposed this request, but in ca. 450
a Decemvirate <>, or board of ten men,
was appointed to draw up a code. ...

The first Decemvirate <> completed
the first ten codes in 450 BC <>. Here is
how Livy describes their creation, "...every citizen should quietly consider
each point, then talk it over with his friends, and, finally, bring forward
for public discussion any additions or subtractions which seemed desirable."
In 449 BC <>, the second Decemvirate
completed the last two codes, and after a secessio
plebis<>to force the
Senate to consider them, the
*Law of the Twelve Tables* was formally promulgated. The Twelve Tables were
literally drawn up on twelve ivory tablets (Livy says
which were posted in the Roman
Forum<>so that all Romans
could read and know them. - from Twelve
Tables <>, Wikipedia

Shouldn't this be considered the origin of Open Source ?

-- Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
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