On 1/19/08, Manish Chakravarty <manishchaks at gmail.com> wrote:
> > SXDE's grub can load Ubuntu.  Just install Ubuntu and add an entry
> > in SXDE's /boot/grub/menu.lst file.  The bootadm(1M) manpage has
> > more details.
> >
> > Is the problem that Ubuntu will overwrite SXDE's GRUB?  Haven't used
> > Ubuntu in a long time.  Don't remember if it has an option of not
> > installing the bootloader.
> >
> >
> Yep. That is the problem. Ubuntu by default will overwrite the MBR.
> Can i restore the original (SXDE+WinXP) MBR after an Ubuntu installation
> and then add the relevant entires to (SXDE's GRUB) make Ubuntu boot as well?

I recommend you just save your ubuntu menu.lst to a USB.. then install
SXDE.. and let it overwrite the MBR with its own.

Once you've booted into SXDE.. just add the relevent entries to the
solaris grub's menu.lst file.

If you've installed ubuntu AFTER solaris.. just boot into belenix or
indiana live cd and use the installgrub command to get back the
solaris grub.


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