On 23-Jan-08, at 2:40 PM, S h i v wrote:
> One more item to include if possible:
> To the Macbook Pro owners (Sriram and Ketan)
> Do you have Mac OS X 10.5 (leopard) on your systems. If so, can you
> demo the dtrace port along with the GUI (Instruments) that Apple
> provides with the same.

That would be good, only I've not explored much of D-trace myself on  
my mac. I'm still struggling with Java and Eclipse on my mac, and  
haven't had the time to explore anything else.

> btw: Have look at the below link - Apple has crippled DTrace on port
> so that it doesn't port the apps that Apple doesn't want to be
> traceable (ex:iTunes) !
> http://blogs.sun.com/ahl/entry/mac_os_x_and_the

I would quite agree with this. Most folks using mac for any *serious*  
development use it mostly on RoR apps, and apparently d-trace for ruby  
on mac seems to solve most practical purposes.

On another note, there's a good reason to not be able to d-trace  
iTunes: you don't want people to be able to insert probes to stream  
audio/video downloaded from the iTunes store to their own custom  
'rippers', I read of at least one person cracking iTunes by merely  
reading away a part of the memory that's used by iTunes to store the  

Ketan Padegaonkar
I blog... therefore I am... http://ketan.padegaonkar.name
http://swtbot.org/ - a functional testing tool for SWT/Eclipse

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