On Sat, Aug 9, 2008 at 2:53 PM, Ankit Srivastava <ankit.sunca at gmail.com> 
> Hi,
> I have installed OpenSolaris 2008.05 on my laptop which is connected to the
> internet from our university's proxy server. The details of the server are
> as follows:
> HTTP Proxy: hostelproxy.daiict.ac.in   Port: 3128
> The proxy server requires authentication using our Student IDs and passwords
> i have configured my firefox and System -> Preferences -> Network Proxy with
> the above proxy. The net is working fine and i am able to browse all the
> websites.
> I wanted to install openoffice, netbeans, sunstudio etc using the following
> commands
> pkg install openoffice
> pkg install netbeans ... given at
> http://dlc.sun.com/osol/docs/content/IPS/instdevsoft.html
> When i run the above command, I get the following error:
> ankit at ankit:/$ pkg install openoffice
> Creating Plan -Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/bin/pkg", line 1440, in ?
[...]> NameError: could not retrieve manifest
> 'openoffice at 2.4.0%2C5.11-0.86%3A20080424T104839Z' from
> 'http://pkg.opensolaris.org:80'

   That manifest seems to be present:
   http://pkg.opensolaris.org/info/0/openoffice at 

   Did you try running  pkg refresh  ?
   The IPS package for OpenSolaris is badly done. It is one big
monolithic bundle
   of 420+MB. IMHO there should be multiple packages one for each component.
   It is just not practical for users in geographically distant
locations to pull huge
   bundles from pkg.opensolaris.org. The OpenOffice IPS package does not make
   sense for users outside the US unless one is sitting on multi-MBPS fat pipes.

   I had submitted a bug for this but that is just lying in the bug database.
   I feel you are better off downloading the install bundle from OpenOffice.ORG
   even though that is also a monolithic bundle you can at least use a download
   manager. In addition surprisingly the install bundle in just 169MB
in size even
   though it contains all the components!

   Since OpenSolaris still includes the SVR4 packaging you will be
able to install



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