Bangalore OpenSolaris User Group (BOSUG) Meeting
This meeting is a little special since BeleniX 0.7 has been released
very recently and we have a reason to celebrate.
It goes without saying that this will be a key item of discussion.

* The meet is open to all. Feel free to get interested friends and
  colleagues as well.
* Free BeleniX 0.7 CDs for all those who attend.
* Installation support in case there are people with their laptops
  and wanting to get installation done.

Registration details are at the end of the mail.

Proposed date :   26-April
Time               :   6pm - 8pm
Location          :   Himalaya Conference Room.
                          Sun Microsystems, Divyashree Chambers
                          Off Langford Road, (Near Richmond Circle)
                          Bangalore - 25
(Route map is attached)

1. A small demo & discussion on BeleniX 0.7, the future plans.
    Areas that need attention.
   * Users (be it BeleniX, Linux, BSDs,...) enthusiastic about open
     source should find many topics of interest
   * Aspiring contributors to open source those interested in
     contributing, are welcome to attend.
     Lot of areas that can do with some good contributions.

# --------- Snack break ---------

2. Indiana V1.0 is being released shortly. Discussion of ideas about
    events linked to it.

In addition to BeleniX 0.7 CD, UG kits are available : free T-shirts,
starter kit DVD,etc, ... for all those who attend :)
(till stocks last).

*** Feel free to get interested friends and colleagues.
*** Pass the information along to other related community groups.

This is a free/open source event. Anyone interested in free to attend.

Those attending are requested to register by sending a mail directly
to me(not to the list) in "FirstName LastName" format since the
security clearance to be pre-arranged at the venue requires it in that
If your friends/colleagues are attending, their names are required as well.

Just before the meet, go to SUN's reception desk at 4th floor, pick
the badges and come down to "Himalaya Conference Room" at ground

I am reachable at 99161-37015 unless I am driving just about the same time.

best regards
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