Great news!

*Innovation Awards: The Winners Are...*

The Wall Street Journal, Michael Totty; September 11, 2006

Sun?s DTrace software is named the Gold winner in The Wall Street
Journal's 2006 Technology Innovation Awards. According to the piece,
?Bryan Cantrill and a team of engineers at Sun have devised a way to
diagnose misbehaving software quickly and while it's still doing its
work. While traditional trouble-shooting programs can take several days
of testing to locate a problem, the new technology, called DTrace, is
able to track down problems quickly and relatively easily, even if the
cause is buried deep in a complex computer system ? Mr. Cantrill came up
with the general idea for DTrace in 1996, while he was a
computer-science student at Brown University, but didn't get to start
work on it until late 2001. It took nearly three years for him and his
team -- Michael Shapiro, a Sun distinguished engineer, and Adam
Leventhal, a staff engineer -- to make it work; a final version shipped
early last year as part of Sun's Solaris 10 OS.?


*Energy and Power*

?  *Runner-Up*?Sun Microsystems (U.S.): UltraSPARC T1, an ?eco-friendly?
processor that generates less heat

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