Hi all,

Im having a strange issue with my UPS connection.
Would like to know if anyone has faced the same and if so what needs to 
be done to resolve it.

My works mainly deal with ssh'ing to a remote machine and working on it.
But I've noticed that as soon as I have a power outage the screen 
sessions I'm using are being reset.

Nothing happens to my bare box. The network connection works fine.
Im able to browse .. There is not disconnection from the dhcp server..
My modem is not restarted(or shutdown because of power failure).
But only ssh is the issue..

I need to address this to the concerned person but need some clarity on 
why this is happening...
If anyone faced the same issue.. Can you help me out?

PS: I know its a really weird question :)
But while performing builds on a remote machine I cannot afford to lose 

Shampavman c.g

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