On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 11:03 PM, kunal ghosh <kunal.t2 at gmail.com> wrote:
> hi , any further info about what we'll be doing at Foss.in this year.
> @Sriram : Plans for Belenix Stall ?

I have in mind to simply take up a table, set up my laptop, and talk
Belenix and opensolaris technologies.

I haven't had time to prepare posters, and don't know the ground
realities at the venue, so I'm going to create material on Day one, to
be able to use from Day 2 onward.

Somethings that I definitely have in mind are:
- Ask about our five minute ZFS demo.
- Ask about our five minute Zones demo.

Having spoken to a variety of people over the past three years, I've
figured out that evangelization needs to be custom-tailored to each
person we speak to.

-- Sriram

> --
> regards
> -------
> Kunal Ghosh
> BE 5th semester
> Dept of Computer Sc. & Engineering.
> Sir MVIT
> Bangalore,India
> Quote:
> "Ignorance is not a sin, the persistence of ignorance is"
> --
> "If you find a task difficult today, you'll find it difficult 10yrs later
> too !"
> -----
> "Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail"
> Blog:kunalghosh.wordpress.com
> Website:www.kunalghosh.net46.net
> V-card:http://tinyurl.com/86qjyk
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