
Finally the Fast Track to OpenSolaris book is out on the news stands with
the Feb issue of Digit Magazine. You can see the coverpage of the book:

I have taken 15 extra copies of this book and if any of you would like to
have a copy of it, you can request Joe George to give you one. First come
first serve of course :)

Now the interesting stuff: Digit is also running a competition OpenSolaris
Geekhunt on  http://www.thinkdigit.com/osolgeekhunt/ and you can participate
to win a Acer netbook, 1 TB seagate harddisk and lots more! This quiz will
run for a month and every week there will be a new set of question every
week. You need to keep collecting points throughout the month to win prizes.

I hope you guys read the book and do give me your feedback. I have developed
the quiz engine as well, and if you encounter any bug, then feel free to
send me a note on that as well.

Mumbai OSUG Lead
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