
BA flights are direct from Ebb to London. All their
seats are over subscribed and always full. So what the
hell are you talking about? 
You don't know what's going on but you always claim
you go to Uganda. Shame on you.

--- Mulindwa Edward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I also said that the BA Boeing parks in Entebbe
> although the maximum of its
> passengers are from Nairobi, because they take fuel
> from Entebbe under
> dubious means which they can not do at Jomo
> Kenyatta. The country needs a
> serious broom to get out the Rwandees and put
> Ugandans in power. changes and
> very serious changes, it will be tough and down
> right dirty job, but some
> body has to be ready to do it or our kids are out to
> the Dogs.
> Em
>        The Mulindwas communication group
> "With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Masaba John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 3:19 AM
> Subject: I told you... it told you... Re: ugnet_:
> FW: Behind the scenes at
> Potosi,
> I have copied the mails I sent to this here list
> before as proof that I was
> not lying about the thugs stealing money from Nile
> Bank.
> And remember I said that I was not very convinced
> that MTN Boers were not
> helping the Kenyan thugs steal the money from Nile
> Bank.  Now you can see
> what MTN staff are saying about theya bosses!!  Now
> the stealing becomes
> very very clear.
> My sources at Cape Town in South Africa tell me that
> MTN has been doing
> mobile banking in South Africa very well for a long
> time.  But in Uganda
> they decide to do it in the very bad way with clear
> text and no encription.
> Now I am thinking that the Boers and the Kenyans
> combined to defraud a
> Ugandan Bank.  Why has MTN been defending the
> Kenyans?  Is it because the
> Muzungu at the top is the one who sent them to Nile
> Bank?  I would like to
> know who Nile Bank has been talking with at MTN. 
> Then you will know the
> snake.  From the letter by the MTN staff, me I think
> it is the Boer who has
> been learning Kakyabali because he is the only one
> in "physical" contact
> with africans.
> It would be very bad for our African brothers in
> South Africa who Uganda
> helped so much during the apartheid years have now
> exported to us thier
> thugs.  And these thugs are now destryong Ugandas
> banks one by one by using
> technology they know is shit.
> Masaba John (eyes and ears underground)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Masaba John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 02:40:40 -0500
> Subject: Re: [Fwd: Re: If its true, its very bad!!!!
> [Fwd: ugnet_: Fwd:
> Yetanother UgandaBank about to close]]
> >
> > Potosi and Kigundu,
> > What is wrong with Ugandans of today.  Byarugaba
> is not serious.  I tell
> him his house is on fire and show to him the people
> setting the fire.  He
> runs to those same people and asks, is it true are
> you burning my house?
> They tell him NO we are your frends.  He then send a
> letter around saying my
> house is not on fire, my frends are only using red
> light bulbs to make it
> look wonderful for me and the smoke is from Nayama
> choma they are preparing
> for me.
> >
> > The man knows very little about technology and it
> looks like he knows even
> less about managing when things are very hot.
> >
> > He should have used some of the little money that
> is left in the bank to
> investigate indipendently because many people in
> Uganda have the ability to
> do the investigations.
> >
> > Also many of his customers have their account
> details exposed and are
> loosing billions of shillings to the kenyan conn
> men.
> >
> > Even he could have gone to the internet and read
> all the information on
> SMS to learn how it works.  Let me help him.
> >
> > SMS is a STORE and FORWARD system.  Email is also
> a Store and forward
> System.  If someone sends you a SMS on Sunday
> morning and your fone is off.
> When your fone is on on Monday morning, you will
> very soon get the message.
> This is because the message has been Stored on the
> MTN system and Forwarded
> to you when the phone comes on.  It is the same with
> email.  When you store
> something in a computer the computer makes a copy of
> it.
> >
> > In a Store and Forward system like SMS and email,
> a copy of your message
> is ALWAYS kept by the service provider.  If there
> are two service providers
> like TrueAfrican/197 and MTN then each has a copy. 
> If MTN can tell CMI and
> ISO that this person or that person has called
> Besigye at this time and that
> time, why do you think they are not keeping the
> records of the messages sent
> using SMS. Maybe by now even the nigerian conn men
> sending email conn
> letters to Uganda have copies of Nile Bank accounts
> and account balances
> sent to them by their kenyan frends.
> >
> > TrueAfrcian/197 conned millions of shillings from
> MTN during a world cup
> compettiton (New Vision July 11th page 3) .  They
> rigged so the girlfrend of
> a staff won.  Now this kenyan company that did not
> exist in Uganda 12 months
> ago has started the biggest conn by collecting all
> the account numbers and
> the balance on each account in Nile Bank using SMS. 
> And 197/TrueAfrican is
> >
> > They have conned Mr. Byarugaba and are lying to
> him. If Mr. Byarugaba
> cannot understand the SMS technology then how can he
> understand how they are
> going to steal the money?
> >
> > Billions are already gone and Nile Bank is saying
> that they have the Ange
> lights in thieir house and are about to eat kenyan
> nyama choma.
> >
> > The Bank of Uganda law says the Nile Bank must
> protect customer account
> information from 3rd party.  TrueAfrican/197 and MTN
> are 3rd and 4th and
> even 5th party.  Maybe trueAfrican/197 have a very
> senior person in MTN who
> is protecting them so is giving the same statement
> to the Bank.  Me I think
> they conned MTN also. But also even those south
> africans... I dont know.
> The court order can show that the Nile Bank account
> information is being
> read by MTN engineers and TrueAfrican/197 conn men
> and being sold to Kampala
> thugs.
> >
> > Byarugaba save your customers, your house is on
> fire, there is no kenyan
> nyama choma and those are not red bulbs.  Me I have
> told my sister to remove
> her money if it is still there because it will soon
> to be gone.  A
> indipendent investigation will not even cost $1000
> yet you Byarugaba are
> loosing Billions of shillings.
> >
> > If you do not understand Store and Forward ask
> your email administrata for
> a copy of the logs of all the email messages that
> the bank send in and out
> of the bank. It will make you understand a little
> how 
=== message truncated ===

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