Mr. J. Oracha,

The relationship you've described among East African nationals is not as good as you think. What you described is the artificial diplomatic relations practiced at public meetings etc whenever diplomats meet. I lived in several parts of Kenya between 1982 and 1990. I have lots of evidence to count on. The discriminations Ugandans faced during that time is not even compared to the racial discriminations by the Chinese and Whites in north America. So, your argument does not fit into the pros of Swahili.

----Original Message Follows----
From: "J Oracha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Extend use of Swahili
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2002 08:52:14 -0600

> More importantly, now that we have resurrected the East African Community
> need a common medium of communication with the citizens of Tanzania and

I don't think you understand the people of Kenya Uganda and Tanzania. There
is no way you can break them apart. Since these people have been united
without the force of government, no government can put them asunder. The
peoples relationship has transcended the so called national boundaries. The
East African Community was based on what already existed, that is the
community of the people of Kenya Uganda and Tanzania. In other words,
whenever people communicate among themselves, there is an understanding that
no government can mess with. In fact the very lack of one unitary
government between the three states made it better for the people to
fashion their own undesratanding and method of living symbiotically.
That is what is enduring.


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