The Mulindwas communication group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 6:35 PM
Subject: [Ugandacom] Re: Anti Kagame/Kaguta Rally in London

Fellow Congress & Friends,

The butchers of the Great Lakes Region today received  a rude awakening when
angry Ugandans, regional colleagues and Friends of Uganda picketted the
Uganda/Rwanda High Commission in Trafalgar Square in London to express the
disgust at the pace of blood bath caused by Museveni and Kagame.

As if that was not enough and, to concide with the afternoon meeting by the
two, Africans streamed to Clare Short's offices where departmental employees
and nearby businesses watched with surprise, sympathy, awe and others with
genuine interest. A nearby cafe quickly offered a small discount as a tocken
of their solidarity. Later, in an unprecedented move, a senior departmental
official came out un-announced, to address the gathering! Whatever his
object, they had clearly been moved.

Yesterday evening we hand delivered a petition with over 350 signatures to
Clare Shorts office, received by her Head of Department for Africa,
highlighting the plight of our peoples but, in particular at this time, those
in northern Uganda. More signatories are being gathered, and are to be
delivered at a reasonable interval.

Watch this space..............we will be back!

Sincere thanks to those of you who gave up your precious time at colleges,
universities, rare jobs and, that Ugandan mother with flu - who was
determined to make it, regardless of the pricking London winter cold; ALL, at
such a short notice. Many more thanks to those friends of the region,
including those Pan Africanist brethren from the Diaspora. While the visibly
panicky NRA agents occupying the Citizens House in Trafalgar square tried to
take pictures as people were dispersing, they clearly did so in no capacity
but that of a SINKING ship.

It was a day best spent.

Pinytek in London.

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