
Don't loose your temper. Send your contribution to the
editor, Bukedde Mr. Sekawungu and the money will reach
the students in question but am afraid if they have
missed exams, its too late.

Thanks for your generosity.

--- Lisa Toro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Omar,
> Can you or any sane person still left in  Uganda GET
> TO THIS GIRLS and pay the fifty or so thousand
> shillings so that they can sit their exams. Get back
> to me privately on my email and i will work with you
> on it.
> Every stupid Ugandan old thief, killer etc wants a
> young educated woman. AND WHAT are they doing to
> develop our women?. Even where you need almost
> nothing to make a big difference.
> This stupid Headmaster did not do his job what was
> he waiting for till exams time to start collecting
> fees? He could have allowed the girls to sit their
> exams but deny them the results untill they pay.
> That is what they do even in the developed world. He
> has now destroyed one full year of this girls life.
> May he burn in hell for ever Amen.
> Toro.
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: Omar Kezimbira 
>   Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2002 8:48 PM
>   Subject: ugnet_: Fees: Headmaster throws out
> students from Exams -Bukedde 16/11/2002
>         Students thrown out of Exams room -Bukedde
> 16/11/2002
>         Angel Lubowa and Meddi Musisi of Bukedde
> report that four female students of Nansana St.
> Joseph SS (see photo below as they weep) reported to
> the Central Police Station, Kampala after having
> been thrown out of the Senior Four Exams to due
> failure to complete their school fees amounting to
> between Ug shs 5000 and Ug Shs10000.
>         The students narrated that the headmaster
> Mr. Steven Nabende removed them from the examination
> room claiming that they had not fully paid school
> fees thereby resulting in non-sitting of the
> agricultural Exams. Those thrown out of the Exams
> are Claire Naiga, Irene Nakanjakko and Ruth Kauwa
> who all owe the school Shs 10000 each plus Lydia
> Namaganda who owe the school  Shs 5000. The Police
> has referred the matter to the authorities of
> education ministry.  
>         Netters: Was it right for the headmaster to
> act so painfully? Why should the headmaster wait
> until the D-day to pin down the students? Is it
> worth ruining the future of these female students
> for a price tag of shs 5000 and shs 10000
> respectively?  Where are the rights and protection
> of students from poor families in Uganda? Why pick
> on just female students?
>         Omar Kezimbira
>         Abayizi bagaaniddwa ebigezo lwa bisale
>         Abayizi ba Nansana St. Joseph SS nga bakaaba
> oluvannyuma lw'okugaanibwa okukola ebigezo
> olw'obutasasula sente ezaasigalayo eziri wakati wa
> 5,000/- ne 10,000/-. 
>    Angel Lubowa ne Meddi Musisi bagamba nti abayizi
> bana bagenze ku poliisi ya CPS olunaku lw'eggulo ne
> beekubira enduulu nti baafulumiziddwa mu bigezo bya
> siniya eyookuna e Nansana olw'obutamalaayo bisale
> bya ssomero lino. 
>   Abayizi bano aba St.Joseph Nansana S.S
> bategeezezza nti omukulu w'essomero lino Mw.Steven
> Nabende yabafulumizza okuva mu kisenge omukolerwa
> ebigezo n'abasubya essomo ly'ebyobulimi ng'agamba
> nti akyababanja sente. 
>   Abaagaaniddwa ye Claire Naiga abanjibwa
> 10000/-,Irene Nakanjakko naye akyabanjibwa 10,000/-,
> Lydia Namaganda bamubanja 5000/- ssaako Ruth Kauma
> 10,000/-. Poliisi enso-nga ezijulizza ba
> byanjigiriza..
>   Published on: Saturday, 16th November, 2002
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