U.S. staff stage-managed food scramble-Zimbabwe

HARARE, Nov 19 (Reuters) - Two Americans detained by pro-government militants 
in Zimbabwe last week were part of a group that stage-managed and filmed a 
scramble for food among farm workers, the official Herald newspaper reported 
on Tuesday.

The incident stemmed from "intrusive and interventionist behaviour by some 
U.S. embassy personnel," Information and Publicity Minister Jonathan Moyo 
told the newspaper.

The U.S. Embassy in Harare on Monday lodged a complaint with President Robert 
Mugabe's government, saying men who called themselves war veterans had 
assaulted an embassy worker.

It said the incident took place last Friday as embassy employees conducted a 
survey of farm workers allegedly displaced by the country's land reforms in 
order to asses the need for humanitarian aid.

The embassy said two Americans -- an embassy employee and a U.N. official -- 
as well as a Zimbabwean embassy employee and another Zimbabwean citizen were 
forcibly held and interrogated. The Zimbabweans were also beaten, it added.

The embassy said the attack was "symptomatic of the lawlessness that has 
affected Zimbabwe for the last two and a half years" and urged the Harare 
government to "restore the rule of law and respect for human rights."

Moyo said: "There are no displaced farm workers in Zimbabwe and the embassy 
knows that. As to claims that there is lawlessness, purely on the basis of 
this incident, that is over the top and quite preposterous."

The Herald said the embassy group was detained after allegedly throwing food 
from a moving vehicle to farm workers, who were then filmed as they jostled 
for the handouts.

A loaded camera and two computer discs were reportedly confiscated from the 
group, the newspaper added.

Earlier this month, Zimbabwe accused the United States of trying to use 
widespread food shortages as a pretext to interfere in its internal affairs.

Zimbabwe's once healthy agricultural sector lurched into crisis in 2000, when 
Mugabe allowed pro-government militants led by veterans of the country's 
1970s independence war to invade white-owned farms to support his drive to 
redistribute land among landless blacks.

Rights groups say an estimated 250,000 farm workers and their families have 
lost their jobs and homes as a result of the land reforms, which Mugabe says 
are necessary to correct the imbalances of colonialism.

The United States does not consider Mugabe the legitimate leader of Zimbabwe 
because of what it regards as a rigged election earlier this year, and a 
senior official said in August that Washington was working to isolate him.

Last week Washington asked Harare for a detailed report into the killing of 
an American lecturer, who was shot dead by police at a roadblock which they 
said he had tried to drive through.

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