Minister of state for health Capt. Mike Mukula has laughed off people calling for the Commander of the Army- Maj. Gen. James Kazini's  resignation owing to his failure to catch Kony. He said that this man(Maj. Gen.Kazini) deserves more honours due his big achievements  in fighting Kony.

Mukula who was officiating at the opening of a hospital at Kalungi in Nakasongola said that Kazini had managed to give devastating blows to the rebels of Juma Oris, ADF, Congo, disarming the Karamojong and other wars. He further said that rewarding Maj.Gen. Kazini in this way (resignation) would amount to denying him his due credit.

Capt. Mukula went on to say that the UPDF had acquired sophisticated weapons that are quite capable of fighting off those bent on creating instability in the country.

He promised to give Nakasongola one brand new ambulance out of the 86 that the government has just purchased as a gift for having  overwhelmingly voted for the movement and shall also supply them with medicine especially the one for treating malaria as well as mosquito nets.


Minisita asekeredde abantu abapeeka Kazini okulekulira

Bya Musasi wa Bukedde

MINISITA w’eggwanga ow’ebyobulamu, Capt. Mike Mukula asekeredde abapeeka omuduumizi w’amagye, Maj. Gen. James Kazini okulekulira ekifo kino olw’okulemererwa okukwata Kony n’agamba nti omusajja ono asaana na kunwongera bitiibwa olw’omulimu omunene gw’akoze okumulwanyisa.

Mukula eyabadde aggulawo eddwaaliro e Kalungi mu Nakasongola yagambye nti Kazini asobodde okufufuggaza abayeekera ba Juma Oris, ADF, Congo, okuggya emmundu ku Bakaramojo n’entalo endala n’agamba nti bubeera bulyazaamanya omuntu ng’ono okumusiima mu ngeri eno.

Yagambye nti eggye lya UPDF lifunye eby’okulwanyisa ebikambwe ebisobola okulwanyisa abaagala okutabangula eggwanga.

Yasuubizza okuwa ab’e Nakasongola mmotoka y’abalwadde kwezo 86 Gavumenti ze yaguze ng’ekirabo ky’okuyiira Muvumenti obululu n’okubafunira eddagala naddala ery’omusujja n’obutimba bw’ensiri.

Published on: Saturday, 28th December, 2002

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