Analysis: If the Unites States, Great Britain, and the UN are promoting
criminels, terroristes, and looters (plunders) to lead the Congo. Will
they tomorrow accept the responsibility of lack of democracy and lasting
peace in the DR of Congo? Will they accept the responsibility of lack of
social and economic changes in the DRC? It's surprising enough to
realize that the countries who lead the world on war against terrorism
are also promoting warlords and warlikes in DRC.
United States, Great Britain, and the Promotion of Warlords and Warlikes
in DR Congo
DR of Congo Need for New Economic Growth Model and a Leadership based on
Growth Model.
With the events of September 11, 2001, the entire world, including
African nations, supported the United States and England to take world
leadership to fight terrorism and any other forms of violance. People
around the world believed that anyone involved in the events of
September 11, 2001 must face justice. Additionally, people around the
world have concluded that violence should not be a way of solving our
environment problems.

But it is surprising enough to realize that the two countries, the USA
and Great Britain, that lead the world on war against terrorism, are the
two countries that are also promoting warlords and warlikes in DR Congo.

At the time we are writing this message, two rebelle groups from the
Democratic Republic of Congo (MLC and RCD) are invited in Washington and
in London. The MLC of Jean Pierre Bemba is in Washington. Its membres
have met with the Bush administration cabinet members, FBI, CIA,
Pentagone, and State Department. The RCD of Paul Kagame of Rwanda
killing innocents civilians in East Congo is currently in London.

How could possibly two world leaders on war against terrorism and other
forms of violence are in alliance with rebelles, warlords, and warlikes
who are responsible for the death of not 2,300 people but for more than
4 millions of innocent civilians in less than 4 years?

How could be possible that the two world leaders on war against
terrorism and any other form of violence are friends to rebelles who are
responsible for the burying of women and children alive in Makobola,
Kasika, and the surroundings in East Congo?

How could be possible that two world leaders on war against torture and
against terrorism are friends to rebelles who are shooting women in
vagina after raping them?

Two days ago, a United Nations' investigation has confirmed (with
evidence) that one rebelle group, the MLC of Jean Pierre Bemba, has
offered the organs of dead people to innocents civilians and forced them
to cannibalism (eating human bodies)days before and after Christmas
2002. How could the United States possibly be friend to such a rebelle
group that is forcing people to eat dead bodies?

Interestingly enough, despite the above crimes committed by these two
rebelle groups, Jean Pierre Bemba president of MLC and Adolph Onunsumba
president of RCD and representative of Paul Kagame in East Congo are
both rewarded vice-presidency of the DRC under a UN plan well-designed
by the United States and Great Britain.

The entire world knows that Al Qaeda's members arrested are in US jails
pending trials and called criminels. It is reasobaly to believe that if
those criminels (Al Qaeda's members jailed) are still at large they will
be capable of other crimes similar to those committed in Kenya,
Tanzania, and New York. Therefore, jailing them is the best thing to do.

In their book, "Results - Based Leadership", Dave Ulrich, Jack Zenger,
and Norm Smallwood (1999; Harvard Business School Press) defined
effective leadership as follow:

Effective Leadership = Attributes X Results

I am certainly convinced that people will agree with me that Bin Laden's
attributes equal to violence and hatred. People will also agree with me
that Bin Laden's result of his leadership is nothing than delivery of
blood around the world. Thus, defeating Bin Laden and his Al Qaeda is in
the best interest of not only the USA and other nations and
organisations that are fighting them but also the entire world. Bin
Laden and Al Qaeda are presumed responsible for the killing in Kenya,
Tanzania, and New York. They killed and they will still kill if remain
at large.

But in the DRC, rebelles, warlodrs, and warlikes who are responsibles
for the deaths of more than 4 millions of innocent civilans in less than
4 years and responsible for the burrying of women and children alive,
shooting women in vigina afther raping, and forcing innocent civilians
to cannibalism are awarded and promoted to leadership position.

In lieu and place of sending those Congolese terroristes and criminels
to Hague to face charges for war crimes and crimes against humanities
that those Congolese rebelles are responsible for, the United States,
Great Britain, and the United Nations are rewarding them for killing
millions of civilians.

In lieu and place of sending those Congolese rebelles to International
Penal Court to face crime charges, the Bush Administration is rewarding
Congolese rebelles for shooting women in vigina after raping them. The
Congolese rebelles killed millions. Now, they are awarded leadership
position, they will then officially kill again. "Qui a bu boira" say the
French. Those who commit crimes in the US and Europe face justice, but
those commit crimes in Africa are awarded with leadership position.

In conclusion, what type of peace and stability the United Sates, Great
Britain, and the United Nations are designing for the DR Congo if
warlords and warlikes are promoted to lead the country?

If the United States is rewarding today Jean Pierre Bemba to
vice-presidency to lead the DR Congo knowingly enough that Jean Pierre
Bemba is very very violent and committed horrible war crimes and crimes
against humanity, tomorrow will the United States accept the
responsibility of lack of stability in the Congo?

If the Unites States, Great Britain, and the UN are promoting criminels,
terroristes, and looters (plunders) to lead the Congo, tomorrow will
they (US, Great Britain, and UN) accept the responsibility of lack of
democracy in the DR Congo? Will they (US, UK, and UN) accept the
responsibility of lack of social and economic changes in the Congo?

Understand today and past behavior of any leader is important for
predicting tomorrow's behavior. Knowing that Jean Pierre Bemba is very
very violent person and committed war crimes and crimes against the
humanity should enable the United States, Great Britain, and the UN to
predict how Jean Pierre Bemba will behave tomorrow as vice-president of
the DR Congo.

What economic growth the DR Congo will achieve if terrorsites,
criminels, and looters (plunders) are called on to lead the country?
What social changes the United States, Great Britain, and the UN have
designed for the DR Congo if terroristes, criminels, and plunders are
promoted to lead the country?

How to expect changes (economic and social) to take palce in the DR
Congo if the country will be led by people with ill-fitted leadership?

There is really urgent need for new economic growth model for Africa, a
leadership based growth model.

We are all aware that there is much the United States, Great Britain,
and the UN can definitely offer to the people of Congo than the
promotion and the delivery of the warlords and warlikes to the country

The case of E. P. Lumumba and the promotion of criminel and violent
Mobutu shoul give all of us an experience in promoting peace and
stability in the country. Instead of entertaining warlords and warlikes,
the US should end violence in Africa as a mean of reaching to power.

With the end of Cold War, the US and Great Britain have changed their
behavior to Russia and other former states of Soviet Union. Is there a
way the US and UK can possibly also change their foreign policy toward
Africa that promote peace and stability?

The one being designed for the DR Congo will not deliver the expected
peace and stability. We hope that the Bush Administration will change
its foreign policy toward DR Congo so that those in love of violence can
no longer be promoted to leadership position.

May the year 2003 be a year of hope, peace, and stability not only for
the DR Congo but also for the entire continent of Africa. God bless you



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