In a message dated 1/12/03 8:47:59 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

<< Inspite of all the actions, it is clear that the current Government is 
 unable/ incapable of containing the situation.
 What you are asking me to do is to comment on the relative rather than
 It does not matter who was better at this point. The fact is that the
 problem existed and still exists.
 The acts of lawlessness continue. The people hurt by these lawless bandits
 have no way to find justice or restitution.


You correctly pointed out to fellow citizens on this Ugandanet forum that the 
role of a Government is to promote quote "law and order." I agree.

 The NRM military dictatorship, I am sure you will agree, has pretty much 
FAILED to promote "law and order" in the Karamojong region of Uganda.

I guess we should, at this point, try to analyze as to why the NRM military 
dictatorship has failed to promote law and order in Karamojong region of 
Uganda, wouldn't you agree?

Could it be the policy approach used by the NRM military dictatorship to 
solve the Karamojong Problems, was and is pretty much BANKRUPT!!!..and that a 
different group of leader of Uganda would use a different approach. and 
Perhaps solve the Karamojong problem promptly.

As a matter of fact, I believe NRM military dictatorship has failed to bring 
peace, law and order in Karamojo region of Uganda, because of the approach, 
if you want, with which the NRM has tried to solve the Karamojong problem.

You see Yoweri Museveni's NRM military dictatorship believes in using the GUN 
in solving political or social problems. 

 The notion that political/social problems should and can be solved by using 
persuasion, is pretty much alien to the NRM.

You further write" The people hurt by these lawless bandits have no way to 
find justice or restitution." 

This may surprise you, but I predict that the suffering in Karamojong will 
continue as long as the NRM bankrupt policy continue to be exercised in 
Karamoja region.

You will recall that at one time the NRM even armed Karamojongs, I hear for 
the Karamojongs to defend themselves!  This is the Kind of stupidity for 
which the NRM excels. .. How on earth can a government arm a group of 
peasants and at the some time expect that the very peasants will not turn the 
guns against themselves.. particularly in the ever shifting political 
alliance Africa Politics.?

Matek achieved

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