Dear Mitayo,

Thanks for your concerns. I am alive and  kicking very well. I cannot and
will never throw in the towel till dictator Museveni and his cohorts are
gone and true freedom, complete and unfettered exercise of individual rights
and democracy return to our homeland. I have been very busy with the cases
of asylum seekers from Uganda in Canada and campaigning to the west to stop
their annual subventions to Uganda which only goes to enrich Museveni and
his family members and their cohorts while many Ugandans live in dire
poverty including those who jumped on his bandwagon in 1980 not knowing that
they were being called to take up arms against an elected government not
because elections were rigged but as a means to ensure Museveni gand his
family gain power and riches. Museveni was seizing on the mood about
elections rigging to attain what had alluded him in his childhood, wealth
and power. He had to survive in the home of generous Byanyima who hec later
kicked in the teeth.

I have been reading your postings religiously and Aluta continua. Victory is
very near.

Chris Opoka-Okumu
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mitayo Potosi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 4:59 PM
Subject: ugnet_: Hullo

> Dear Brother Chris Opoka-Okumu,
> You have not appeared on this forum since the new year, and some of us,
> friends,  had started wondering whether you had either thrown in the towel
> or taken the towel to the sunny beaches in Florida.
> Nice to see you around again.
> Late as this may be, please accept my wishes to you and the folks in your
> homestead, of happy times and lots of fun in the new year.
>                         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> "Ivinicus factus sum veritabem diceus."  ( I have become an enemy for
> speaking the truth )  St Paul!
>                         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Mitayo Potosi
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