The Mulindwas communication group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 9:45 PM

To all members of Rwanda-I and all Rwandans and their friends, regarding Shaka's story. Much of what he has  said, might be true or not, but he has repeated what most media have reported without acknowledging them, thereby violating academic standards. What a shame that he  could even have the guts to speak as if it his  own authority. He need to learn to quote his sources very well in order to avoid law suits.
What Rwanda needs  in order to survive in the future competitive global markets as a  tiny small land locked nation (the size of Maryland State in the USA) without international harbors, rail lines and good road is good relations with its neighbors  Maryland State is one of the top ten richest states in the USA. That means, it has more money even to build Rwanda and other African nations. It is also made mostly of African-American citizens who have plenty of wealth resources Rwanda can use in order to survive. If I had the power to convince all Rwandans of all ages and tribes, is what the Chinese did ninety years ago with the British. They cravenly decided that they needed future power from European know how. So they leased Hong Kong to the British people. None of the old British or the old Chinese are there now to witness this miracle. Hong Kong became a free trade zone. The British built the harbor, rail lines, schools, hospitals and export, import and re-export markets. Do you remember those days in Africa when every thing was made in Hong Kong. Our oldest Rwandans called it Congo Kong.
Well, now that those days are gone and China took over its leased land. Who benefits. Indeed the Chinese are bearing the fruits of their fore fathers and mothers. Their wisdom is beneficial to the British as well as to the entire Chinese population.
What Rwanda and all Rwandans should do now, is to completely forget running themselves with the Europeans and choose the most powerful parent in the whole world which is the USA. Diplomatically, cravenly, politely, kindly and wisely plead with the USA government and all Americans to adopt Rwanda. USA will then take Rwanda as its own adopted and neglected new child and will introduce democratic rules similar to the USA. Will introduce stable constitution similar to the USA. Will introduce and build rail lines, international markets, roads, airports, build schools, hospitals, export, import re-export business to the point where unemployment in Rwanda will be minus  five. Rwandans will be able to earn income similar to those in the USA. This sounds like a dream to be true and may be when this dream becomes true, many of us reading this story will no longer be here. Our children and their grand children will be like those in China.
Let us all work together to accomplish this. If this fails, we can try to join Rwanda, Burundi to Democratic Republic of Congo as one nation and use the federal system, or the State system in the USA. But leave the federal part to the new Federal government. We will be able to heal the wounds and generate new friendship for the future generation.
If this fails to work, we can try to join Rwanda, Burundi to Tanzania. if every thing fails, we  are doomed to complete failure and we cannot survive on our own.
Rwanda and Rwandans all over the World will elect the Governor of Rwanda to represent USA. The title for President will no longer be needed. Its forces will join the USA forces. The King already lives in the USA and has plenty of friends and he will welcome this idea with open hands wishes to see the development of all Rwandans. President of Rwanda will have equal footing with all USA governors and he could even run for political office in the USA.
What a unique idea to try.

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