My response right on target on UPC's Dr. Rwanyarare's fearmongering in the Uganda media. If not fearmongering and spreading falsehoods -- the very hallmarks of  UPC -- why else would he (is he a PhD or an MD?) make a nonsensical statement like:
"The Baganda have a lot of re-assurance to give  that  we who are non-Baganda can live happily and  exploit our virtues fully, including being Bishop of  Namirembe, ..."
This kind of rubbish malicious rubbish is only meant to malign the Baganda. My note gave specific facts that expose Dr. Rwanyarare's, and therefore UPC's, political bankruptcy.
I could have added that not too long ago, all over Uganda -- under a unitary system of government, now under the stewardship of the enlightened Movement, people were demanding that "foreigners", i.e. non-locals or non-natives, vacate their land. Except those who are dead, know in Kibale, this sentiment went as far as a Movement appointee being rejected by the people. 
One would have expected that such actions would have been loudest and most active in Buganda -- by virtue of the fact the Kingdom of Buganda has the largest proportion of "foreigners" than any other region in Uganda.  Why was this not so?  The simple answer is that we are lot less xenophobic than we are made out to be by our enemies -- especially the UPC.
Further, I pointed out that in the political arena, again Buganda is the first  if not the only -- region to elect the largest number non-natives, and that this practice has a long history: it did not start with the Movement regime. I challanged anyone to state what other area in Uganda has done this. Todate, there are no takers.
Now, when one reads Mr. Mulindwa's rambling response, one can help but wonder whether it is the product of a derranged mind!
Why not directly address, or better yet, challange the veracity or logic of even one single point I raised?
Why not address the merits or demerits of federal governance, for that is really what is at stake here?
Let's face it: UPC is yesterday's news. They have no new ideas. Their single policy  and only reason to exist is simply to suppress and destroy Buganda and the Baganda. This is what UPC tell us day in and day out in every pronouncement they make.
We, the Baganda, very simply cannot, and will never allow that to happen again. Once bitten ...
--- Mulindwa Edward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ugandans
> Can we just grow out of this childish discussion and
> we attack our real problem? Uganda is in anarchy and
> it does not mater who has important positions in our
> land, what matters now is that we all as Ugandans
> can leave in this very tinny country safely. The
> time when Matek and Mulindwa can meet in Kitgum and
> we kill the beers, or in Nakisunga and do the same
> thing. People, we are now afraid to go to Uganda,
> and we are very afraid for people go to Uganda and
> die of gunshots, why is that happening?
> You see these are the stupid arguments we have
> laboured on life immemorial, when we have been in
> these forums and Lisa Toro is addressed as "You
> people" What have we achieved so far? Look here,
> Uganda's  problem is in Buganda, those are the!
> truths take them or leave them, and the sooner we
> stop to complain about every thing and about every
> body but our selves the better. And let history show
> that I am not the first Muganda to make that
> statement.
> UPC is a bad party let us put that on record, Obote
> was a bad president as well let us put that on
> record, but soon after that Ssemakula tell us what
> kabaka Yekka has done for Uganda? I am sick and
> tired of these kinds of bickering on cheap shots
> when you neither have a solution or an alternative.
> If you hate UPC post the Aims of KY and we see them
> here and today.
> That is why you see that a great number of Baganda,
> we are scattered we are walking in dark as sheep's
> with out a Sheppard, we need leadership but we hate
> Lule for he is a Christian so he can not lead DP but
> we hate DP for it is a Catholic party, then we ha! te
> Obote for he is a Northerner on and on. And I ask> w hat exactly do we want in this nation? Is katikiro
> Ssemogerere a movmentalist the solution to Buganda ?
> My grand farther used to say "Ovulungutana nga
> ayokya ebibeere, nti bisiridde ate bitulise, nti ate
> ssinga tebyassiridde byanditulise"
> Em
>        The Mulindwas communication group
> "With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: J Ssemakula
>   Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 12:13 PM
>   Subject: Re: ugnet_: Re: [FedsNet] Now UPC
> cautious on federo
>   This is "politics" at its cheapes! t. From time
> immemorial, the Baganda have bent over backward in
> accomodating the Non-Baganda in Buganda.
>   Fact: Non-Baganda are known to have held many
> important positions in our land, including the very
> Lubiri (palace) of our King -- although some
> positions were and are (appropriately) off-limits.
> And, this was before and after the coming of the
> White man. Lots of ink attests to this.
>   Fact: the Baganda have elected Non-Baganda
> politicians to represent them and their interests
> since elections became 'fashionable' in Uganda. This
> includes, many in the present regime -- at all
> levels from LCs to parliament.
>   Can anyone point out which other areas of Uganda
> have done this? Anyone recall what happened  and was
> said when Ssebaggala went to campaign in Ankole in
> his presidential b! id?)
>   Fact: in all of Uganda, it i! s Bugand a which has
> the most non-indigenous peoples living within her
> borders. Contrary to popular, but nonetheless
> uninformed opinion, this practice did not begin
> yesterday. Again, lots of ink attests to this.
>   Fact: the Baganda have inter-married more across
> tribal lines that any other single tribal group in
> Uganda. We may be unique in Uganda in the practice
> of formally naturalizing people who are originally
> not ethnically Baganda, into fully fledged Baganda.
>   Merit is what rules in Buganda. While fear mongers
> like the UPC and other opportunists would have us
> believe otherwise, it just won't wash!
>   ssemakula
>   ----Original Message Follows----
>   From: Lutimba Matovu
>   Subject: ugnet_: Re: [FedsNet] Now UPC cautious on
> federo
>   Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 07:33:28 -0800 (PST)
>   Netters,
>   There you go with UPC's support for Federo.
>   Now UPC cautious on federo
>   By Alex B. Atuhaire
>   The Uganda People's Congress yesterday said
> Buganda
>   must be honest on her demand for a federal status.
>   UPC Presidential Policy Commission chairman Dr.
> James
>   Rwanyarare said the status of Kampala must be
>   addressed honestly and squarely.
>   "The Baganda have a lot of re-assurance to give
> that
>   we wh! o are non-Baganda can live happily and
> exploit
>! ; & nbsp; our virtues fully, including being Bishop of
>   Namirembe," he said.
>   "By the way, anybody who is elected pope becomes
> the
>   bishop of Rome," Rwanyarare told a news conference
> at
>   the party headquarters, Uganda House, Kampala.
>   Rwanyarare said that in 1962 the Baganda refused
>   Archbishop Eric Sabiiti to lead the Church of
> Uganda
>   from Namirembe because he wasn't a Muganda.
>   That's how All Saints Church, Nakasero, was
> created.
>   He said such attitudes amount to double standards.
>   Last week Buganda, led by its Katikkiro Joseph
>   Ssemwogerere, presented to the Constitutional
> Review
>   Commission a fresh demand for a federal status.
>   The kingdom also wants Kampala declared part! of
>   Buganda again.
>   The country's capital was demarcated out of
> Buganda by the 1995 Constitution.
>   In 1966 the UPC government abolished kingdoms
> after the Buganda Lukiiko ordered then Prime
> Minister Milton Obote to remove the central
> government from Buganda's soil. Rwanyarare said
> yesterday that the Lukiiko was the cause of the 1966
> crisis.
>   He said that though Buganda's demand was genuine,
>   President Yoweri Museveni was using Baganda
> extremists
>   to spoil the move.  Rwanyarare named Minister for
> the Presidency Gilbert
>   Bukenya and Minister of State for Security Muruli
> Mukasa.
>   Party officials Badru Wegulo, Henry Mayega, Adonia
>   Tiberondwa, Patrick Kirunda and Michael Apiliga
>&nb! sp;  attended the news conference.

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