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"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2003 5:36 AM
Subject: RE: [CONGOTRIBUNE] China Keitetsi visits Germany1

Are Ugandans different from Evils?

-----Original Message-----
From: Mulindwa Edward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2003 7:30 PM
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; anarkosyndikalismswe
Subject: [CONGOTRIBUNE] China Keitetsi visits Germany1

China Keitetsi visits Germany and talks about "My life as a child soldier"

Sent: Friday, February 07, 2003 9:16 AM
Subject: China Keitetsi visits Germany1
China Keitetsi visits Germany and talks about "My life as a child soldier"

China Kitetsi, the lady who wrote about her life as a child soldier in the
NRA is in Germany reading and talking about her book.
She arrived here on 04.02.2003 and will spend about a week visiting public
libraries, bookshops, NGOs and other institutions associated with children
and their rights, talking about this work on her biography.
On this day (04.02.03) at 8:15 pm central European time, she talked about
her book in a bookshop called Rhianon. Rhianon, located in Ehrenfeld in
the heart of the famous German cathedral city of Cologne has a collection
of books from all parts of the world mainly talking about women and
children. In one corner, one could see the books "Lawinos lied/ Ochols
lied"- a German version of "Song of Lawino and song of Ocol" written by
the Ugandan genius, the late Okot p' Bitek who died in 1982. On the main
table were piles after piles of china's book in German that were selling
like hot cakes.
Although it was a working day when one would have expected people to stay
at home and relax after a hard day's work, very many people turned up to
hear this lady talk and the bookshop hall was full to capacity.
China began by narrating how she joined the NRA in 1984. At barely 8 years
of age, she joined the NRA in the bush. She was not the only child there
for she found hundreds of other children there, some even at the ages of 6
or 7. After a brief training, they were taken for real combat activities.
Their commanders, all grown-ups, would put them in front, directly in the
enemy fire line and shout orders from behind.
Asked about what they did with captured enemies, China was in tears, as
she tried to answer the question. She took a rest and recomposed, then she
said that they were made to tie the enemies' hands tightly behind their
backs (Kandoya), with their chests threatening to break apart, and after
that hit the enemies with Akakaumbi small hoes on the head until they die.
They were told that these enemies, called the Anyanyas, coming from
northern Uganda were different kinds of people. The commanders said and
repeated over and over again that these Anyanyas are half human beings,
really animals, who would not feel the pain when hit with the hoes on the
head. Any Kadogo "Child soldier", who feared to do this beastly act of
killing with the hand hoe would be called a coward and turned into a
laughing stock of the rest of the children. It turned out that being
called a coward was the most hated thing amongst the Kadogos and every
child soldier smiled whenever he was said to be "Sharp".
Another question posed to China was whether the male child soldiers were
treated preferably / better than the female "colleagues". China said, when
at the front line, there was no room for preferable treatment. They all
fought shoulder-to-shoulder to defeat the enemy. The difference comes in
when the female soldiers were used as sex slaves by the high-ranking
officers. The officers made sexual advances and called it an order. You as
an ordinary soldier must not and could not say no. "You see me standing in
front of you here. All those 11 years that I spent in the NRA, I had to
say Yes Sir, Yes sir to everything that the officers said. An officer
would say, I want to see you in my tent at 9:00 pm and you knew what
awaited you there but you could do nothing to prevent it for you did not
have the power. You were just a tool being used by the officers. Because
of the regular sexual abuses being meted to us by the officers, we were
nicknamed "Chakula ya Wakubwa" (Food of the big men) and/ or "Gunduria"
(rain coats).
Do you still feel threatened, now that you have left Uganda, a country
that we hear from the mass media is coming up as a beacon of hope for
To this question, China pulled out of her bag a print out of an article
which appeared on 01.02.2003 in "The monitor" with the title "Govt to
counter Keitetsi, Ssekyaya lies". She read this article which says the
Ugandan Govt plans to take her (China) to the international court of
justice in Den Haag (The Hague in Holland) because of this book and her
"film" talking about her life as a "Kadogo", and the "listeners" nearly
went wild as they expressed anger at this threat from the Govt. One lady
immediately stood up and said "I have heard you talk and share your
experiences with us China. You can always count on me. Let them take you
to Den Haag and we will face them". This was greeted with much applause.
China thanked the participants and sat down to give her signature or sign
the books that were being bought.
On the second day of her visit, 05.02.2003, China goes to the German city
of Duisburg in the Coal region of Germany "Ruhrgebiet". China visits
"Kindernothilfe" a German NGO, which fights for the rights of Children.
She is surrounded by a team of journalists from "Deutsche Welle", "Rhein
post", "WAZ" and from other local newspapers who are eager to learn of her
experience that she has written in a book.
China talks about the "Kadogos" in the NRA and emphasized here that the
officers preferred children as bodyguards because the kids never asked
questions. The kids always strove to be recognized and sometimes did more
heinous acts than grown ups. She, China, herself was a bodyguard to an
officer called Ahmad Kashillingi. One, Fred Kayanja (RIP) became a
bodyguard to President Museveni when he, Kayanja, could not yet even keep
his nose clean. In fact, Museveni had about 2 platoons of child soldiers
surrounding him as bodyguards. Everyone saw those children, when the NRA
took power in Uganda in 1986.
Asked whether there is continuation of child soldiering in Uganda to date,
China had this to say. "I get newspaper reports that the LRA which is
fighting in northern Uganda recruits children into their ranks. That is
what I read from newspapers and from the internet. As I always say, I wish
to repeat here that my concern is about children for I have gone through
this problem and I know how it is. In 1995, before I left Uganda, the Govt
started moving the Acholi people to internally displaced peoples camps
(IDP). The Govt said, this move was meant to protect the people from the
LRA who would now not be able to come and abduct children since these
camps would be under the protection of the national army, NRA that later
became UPDF. After creating these camps, the abduction of children never
stopped, in fact it increased. I now read from newspapers that the Govt of
Uganda came and recruited the remaining children in Acholiland to go and
fight (operation iron fist) against the other children who were once
insufficiently "protected" and literally left to be abducted by the LRA.
You can now see how generations are being wiped out by these activities. I
ask myself how the future of that part of our country will be without the
There are also newspaper reports that in 2001, the Govt of Uganda took
about 700 children from DR-Congo and brought them to Uganda to train them
to go and fight back in Congo. In that year UNICEF repatriated about 165
of those kids to Congo. So to answer your Question: Yes Child soldiering
still continues in Uganda up to now, a thing being done even by the Govt
The meeting ends as China prepares to go to UNICEF and some more NGOs in
the region. China will spend about a week in Germany before she goes back
to Danemark. From there she will prepare to go to Holland, Den Haag, to
launch her book in "Niederländisch" the Dutch language, sometimes towards
the middle of April.
Hartelijk gefeliciteerd (we wish you the best) in Holland China.
Alex Awiny Abukha in Cologne (Germany)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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