NEC To Decide Movt Future

By Alfred Wasike
UGANDA’s political map could soon be changing.
The ruling Movement’s National Executive Committee (NEC) will soon decide whether the Movement system of governance should be replaced by a multiparty system. This follows reports that President Yoweri Museveni on January 28 advised the ad hoc committee that it was time to return to political pluralism.

The National Political Commissar (NPC), Dr Crispus Kiyonga, said the eagerly awaited NEC conference will take place soon.

Kiyonga led the NEC-established 22-member ad hoc committee to examine the future of the Movement against demands to open up to multiparty politics.

“The report is ready. We presented it to the Movement chairman (President Yoweri Museveni). The NEC will sit before the end of this month to discuss it. I really cannot comment on it till after the appropriate forum has discussed it. We urge our people to be patient. We struggled to restore law and we shall respect the Constitution,” Kiyonga said.

In a statement yesterday, Kiyonga said, “The chairman (Museveni) will in turn report to the NEC. At the same time as we all know the Constitutional review process is on-going and nearing completion. The people have presented their views to the Constitutional Review Commission and analysis is yet to be done. NEC is due to meet soon. The population is therefore advised not to be misguided by speculation and guesswork in the press but be patient and await authoritative advice from the NEC and the National Conference.”

Kiyonga’s team was tasked by the 6th NEC, during its December 16-19, 2001 at the National Leadership Institute Kyankwanzi, to examine the performance of the Movement system, in light of the current political trends.

Published on: Thursday, 20th February, 2003

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