'Safe Sex' Education
Backfires In UK
Policy Is Spreading Disease Among The Young
By Lorraine Fraser
Medical Correspondent
The Telegraph - UK

The UK government's policy on sex education has been blamed for a "galloping" rise in sexually transmitted diseases among young people that threatens in turn to cause increasing rates of infertility and cancer.
A leaked Parliamentary report labels the level of sexually transmitted infections among teenagers and young adults a "crisis". Critics claim that the report proves that the Government's approach to sex education is a failure.
Nuala Scarisbrick, a trustee of the charity Life, said that the Government's concentration on a "safe-sex" rather than "no-sex" message - designed to cut teenage pregnancy rates - had deprived millions of people of the information they need to protect their health.
"Now we are seeing the results: more teenage pregnancies, many ending in abortion, and more sexually transmitted disease. Some of these infections are incurable, others can lead to infertility and there is a proven link between early sex and cervical cancer. But they just don't tell young people about this."
According to the most recent figures, the number of people suffering from STDs declined in the 1980s and early 1990s but has risen sharply since 1995. One in 10 women under the age of 25 is now infected with chlamydia, which is linked with cervical cancer as well as infertility. The figures for 2001 show that more than 22,500 people contracted gonorrhoea, with men aged 20 to 24 and girls aged 16 to 19 most likely to become infected. Rates of syphilis have also increased, with young women most at risk.
The report by the Commons select committee on health is expected to blame the increase in STDs among women on the "ladette" culture of female drinking and one-night stands.
The report, due to be published next month, follows a furore over a programme in the South-West that encourages teachers to discuss details of oral sex and homosexual activity with pupils.
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