No one from any country in the world returning home has NEVER been mugged or robbed.  Thank you.

Yes I do travel within Uganda and I am proud of it.  I plan to do Kidepo this year.  I have never been there and hear it is a wonderful place. 

When I came back in 95, I met this muzungu who told me wonderfull stories of all these places in ug I had never been to.  This pissed me off.  Here was a muzungu telling me about my country.  I decided I would travel far and often.  Since then I have only not been to Gulu, Pader, Kumi and Bundibugyo. Since I am doing Kidepo this year I am not including it in my list.

But everywhere else I have been.  Even to obscure places like Kalongo and Kabong.  When I went to Arua last year the new road to Koboko and beyond was done, so at the urging of some friends I even drove to the border with Sudan and crossed (just to say I have been there and done that).

Yumbe is OK, small and lots of tasty guniefowl.  Done Bwindi, Kabale, Kasese, Fort Portal, and even climbed Mount Elgon on a four day trip (I shall never climb a Mountain again!).  Stayed in Kapkwata and came back via Kapchorwa (and I have all the video to prove it).  Lira is the fastest growing town in Uganda I think, and to not do business there is to be blind of the realities of what is going on in Ug.  Cheapest goods (electronics and cars) can be had in Arua.

Its not a claim, its a fact.  I can give you names of bars (yes I do enjoy a cold beer) and places and people.

The great thing about travelling is that you get to meet lotts of people and share their experiences.  You see the hardships and are amazed at their resourcefulness in the face of huge problems.

There is a lot to criticize but just as much to praise.  I have the newspaper cutting that quoted Mao as saying that Museveni is the best president Uganda has ever had, yet he and Regan are delivering messages from Kony to government. Nothing is black and white in Uganda (or anywhere else for that matter).  Look at Chiluba in Zambia.  There is good and bad in every regime.  As just people trying to survive it is up to us to priase the good and to point out the failures and give examples of where and how the bad can be corrected.

Saying there is nothing good in a particular regime, means that any progress attained is to be wiped away and thus we start from scratch.  If everyone acted like that every decade or so we are going to go back to zero.

I ask you to please repost the email where I said there was no war in Northern Uganda.

On Tue, 2003-02-25 at 03:46, Mulindwa Edward wrote:

Mwaami Kigundu Mukasa
Although I try many times to respond to postings sent to me, I have had some 18 hours reading and re reading your posting and I have failed to get a way in which to respond to it.
You are here and now informing us that there are no Ugandans who come to Uganda and get shot or mugged, you claim that you have been in Lira Kotido Arua Masindi and people are drinking to morning.

Mwaami Kigundu you are a responsible man, but so are Ugandans who are abroad and who fly to Uganda every now and then. Last night Lisa asked a very good question, why go to Uganda and sleep in a Hotel, and I will only add that actually the hotel business is not only booming in Uganda but in Kenya and Rwanda as well, where Ugandans who are fade up with the atrocities caused by the Movement go and fly their relatives to come and meet them.
Mwaami Kigundu I am not going to launch my weapons of massive destruction, I am going to live your claims and my posting as they are. This is a discussion which is on the web, thus read by very many Ugandans and non Ugandans who have been at home. I will let them be the judge of who has posted the bull shit.
Some of us were in these forums when you publicly denied that there is no war in Northern Uganda, and those who are claiming so are Obote's supporters who want to tarnish the name of the good government Uganda has.
Patience is always a virtue.

             The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni Uganda is in Anarchy"
             Le groupe de transmission de Mulindwas
" avec Yoweri Museveni, Ouganda est dans anarchy "

----- Original Message -----
Kiggundu Mukasa
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 5:33 AM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Never Stay at Hotel Africana Kampala

Utter rubbish. 
There are problems here but that is utter bullshit.  In the past 14 months not only have I lost one of my parents (thus necessitating a trip by my siblings home), I know three other people who lost parents (blood pressure, car accident and AIDS).  People fly in and out frequently and have no problems in the villages or towns of Buganda. I last went to Arua last year in July for a wedding and it was a blast.  We partied until 4.00am for four days straight! 

I was in Amocal (or is it amochal) in Apac last year to deliver cows for a friend who had kwanjulas there a while back and still had not paid up.  It was fine.

I go to Lira at least once in two months to work on a clients computers and the same with Mbale. I do not do gulu or kitgum.  I was alst in Kitgum three eyars ago and had to fly there (the road was too risky).  Once in the town it was ok but not after midnight. So I cannot give an eye witness account of Gulu or Kotido. 

The best way to Arua is via Masindi and the park then use the ferry at parra and the to pakwach.  The long road via karuma is ok some days and some days bad.

The crime situation in Uganda in general (not counting the rebels) is about 10 times better than Kenya.  LCs shooting people is just scare-mongering. 

The most they do is come by once a month and ask you for security fees (they are supposed to partol the council at night".  I have never seen them do it, but I give them the benefit of the doubt.  The fee is 500/= to 1,000/= depending on how rich you look.  It is probably a con in my village, but since you can negotiate and 500/= can buy a bottle of Coke or Fanta, then what the hell, I pay.

I pay the villagers who fix the  roads (which are done probably once per annum by KCC) in my area more.  They do it on their own inittiative and I think it is a great service, they collect from every car owner (visiting or resident).

I live here and the local Internet community in Uganda is quite large so there are many people who can corroborate this.

Mulindwa says "With Yoweri Museveni Uganda is in Anarchy" and only posts negative news.  Although he uses posts from the new vision often, he only picks the negative ones, never one positive one.  Not one!!!!

So he is out to paint a picture of hell on earth.  Its not paradise by a long shot, and the articles he picks on are true, but judging from the fact that the articles print all good and bad (that is why Mulindwa has access to the bad stories in the press as is not in a Zimbabwe like situation where there is no press from within to speak of), the papers would be screaming about the LCs killing people!

Its not heaven, but its home and in the south it is relatively safe.  The clubs open all night long in all the suburbs of all the towns in the south (mbale, jinja, kampala, Ebb, masaka etc.).

In the Acholi region of the north it is not good at all.  I wish there was a quick fix.  I once asked Mulindwa why Kony goes freely in Acholi and not in Arua or Karamoja and he did not answer. 

I shall sign off here and let him launch his weapons of mass destruction.


On Mon, 2003-02-24 at 12:55, Mulindwa Edward wrote:
Now I have the proof that you do not read what I post in the forums, for if you were reading what I post you would know that Uganda changed to a Movement way. You remember I posted already that when you go to Uganda you never go home for you will be killed by the RCs? A claim that was seriously denied by Mwaami Matovu Lutiimba? Well I happened not to lie. Lisa, let me fill you in again. If you have an emergency to go to Uganda (Which these days is the only reason you have to) Never ever go home in your parent's house. RCs are going to come in at night, they will steal all the dollars you came with including the clothes and gifts for people and in the end they will kill you and the entire family you have come to visit. And look here, we now have a case where a Ugandan from here is in Uganda but the relatives begged him not to stay in the village, he is still stuck in a Mukono Hotel and the relatives come to see him every day.

Lisa this is not a problem for you are a Northerner it is a problem especially in Buganda and all over the nation. The times of Ffe Kasita Twebaka have passed and long. What is interesting to some of us is that we stated these things way back and we were called all names, Matovu called me a liar, Kasangwawo called me a UPC operative,  Abayombo called a Valet. But you see when facts are facts they stay facts, last few days it was Mwaami Ssenyange today it is this Muganda  who is even scared to make his name public irrespective of the torture he has gone through in his country, and we live on.
We have spent our days complaining about UPC Wingers, UPC government, and president Obote, yet the Rwandeese are turning our nation up side down. Thanks the cheap thinkers like Lutimba Matovu. What I would love today, is people like Kasangwao to fight all these information's from not only Ugandans but Baganda who go home and get mugged and killed, who are we to blame? Is it Konny or Obote? May be it is Uganda House !! Abayombo help me here, I need more facts to convince my sis Lisa of why she can not go to Uganda to sit on the graves of the people you guys have butchered.
Oh Man it is so sad that I was born in a nation with people who are so un critical, for this is a case which is telling me that this Ugandan has been a member of Ugandanet fighting for Museveni for a long time, he has gone to Uganda, and he was mugged. He would not complain to Abayombo Kironde or Matovu but he had to come back to Ugandanet to inform us of what we knew of before and which we kept on telling him that he kept on denying. Well come to the Rwandeese Kampala.
Lisa stay where you are, do not go yet, but time is on our side. WE WILL GO HOME IT IS ONLY WHEN !!!!!!!!! (And it will be before the federalists take Kampala)

The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni Uganda is in Anarchy"
             Le groupe de transmission de Mulindwas
" avec Yoweri Museveni, Ouganda est dans anarchy "
----- Original Message -----
Lisa Toro
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 2:51 AM
Subject: Fw: ugnet_: Never Stay at Hotel Africana Kampala

When i go Home, why do i need to stay in the hotel!!!. NO HOUSE! I sit on the grave yard and talk to my dead. Then and Only then i feel i am at Home!!! Uganda is not limited to a hotel in the dirty townships Uganda or Home is bigger than all those towns put together!
----- Original Message -----
Mulindwa Edward
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 7:44 PM
Subject: ugnet_: Never Stay at Hotel Africana Kampala

Fellow Ugandan
By the tone of your posting, it sends waves that you were touched by the tough hand of the erosion of moral and morale that our nation have been stuck into for the last 20 years. But I can as well conclude that your life had the mercy to get out since you can talk about it. Many Ugandans have not been so lucky. So we must thank God for that.
Now we must take this concern one step further, our nation can not be healed by eliminating bad hotels, for what you saw is not a problem of a hotel, it is not a problem of a soldier, it is a problem of a whole nation which is heading for a total anarchy. So instead of playing the elimination game, let us work towards changes in our nation. We must stop this freight train as it continues to go faster and faster to the total destruction of the nation. Today you have seen a hotel, another one saw a worst taxi driver who robbed him, another one's parent was operated on when Doctors were using torches for light, yet the other one died for the electricity through rationing was cut off when his tummy was still open.

All those are true results of a nation with out a government. we all as Ugandans must start to think and hard and together if we are to save our nation. Uganda was supposed to be a pearl of Africa until when The Movement got its dirty hands on it. That is what we must reverse.
Thank God you left Uganda alive.

             The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni Uganda is in Anarchy"
             Le groupe de transmission de Mulindwas
" avec Yoweri Museveni, Ouganda est dans anarchy "
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 1:51 PM
Subject: ugnet_: Never Stay at Hotel Africana Kampala

Guys wishing to stay in a hotel in Kampala, you may need to get second opinions about hotel Africana. They offer false promises and their services are horrible.
I was just pissed!
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Kiggundu Mukasa                          # Computer Network Consultancy###
KYM-NET LTD.                             # Intranets & Internet Solutions#
House 73              	                 # Data Communication Service ####
Plot 7, Kent Lane, off Kiira Road
P.O. Box 173 Kampala, Uganda             
Tel:     +256 71 221141
         +256 77 221141
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