I have no urgent plan to fly BA

As an Executive Club member of British Airways, I received an e-mail message today from BA advertising a special offer.

This offer included the promise of discounts on any flights booked with BA. This is what I replied:

"I live in Kenya. I am very proud of this country. BA no longer flies here. The British Government refuses to allow its citizens to come here with no adequate explanation. The economy is suffering hugely as a result.

In summary, I have absolutely no intention of using your airline. If I have to use an airline, it will be Kenya Airways. Certainly not to fly to England which has been subjected to regular terrorist attacks for the past 30 years and where the Houses of Parliament are now protected by concrete blocks".


            The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

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