Fellow Citizens:

There is pretty much nothing the so called East African Community Peace Committee for Uganda can achieve other then applying the necessary pressure on the Regime in Kampala to sincerely ( and this is the Key word)  seek the ways of peace in Northern Uganda. 

The dictatorship in Kampala cannot proclaim to the world and Ugandans that they are seeking a peaceful means to resolve the Northern Uganda conflict, meanwhile at the some time the dictatorship is using helicopter gunship to mow down and kill our people.


EALA Presses for End to North War

New Vision (Kampala)

June 11, 2003
Posted to the web June 11, 2003

Richard Komakech

THE East Africa Legislative Assembly (EALA) has joined the fight for peace in northern Uganda with a resolution seeking to establish a peace committee to negotiate for an end to the war there.

EALA sitting in Arusha, Tanzania, passed the resolution on the background of Article Five of the East African Community, which provides for promotion of peace, security and stability within partner states.

EALA Uganda chairman Yona Kanyomozi said the resolution is to enforce Article Five of the East African Treaty, which calls for the promotion of peace, security and stability within partner states.

At the same occasion, Kanyomozi handed over a cash donation of US$3,200 towards medical treatment of a former teenage LRA abductee, Dennis, whose jaws were shattered in battle.

Each of the 32 members donated US$100 and handed it to Gulu Support the Children Organisation programme officer Richard Oneka.

Acholi Parliamentary Group chairman Nobert Mao and EALA members Medi Kaggwa, Sarah Baagalaliwo, Lydia Wanyoto and Wandera Ogalo were present.

"The Uganda Government has tried using all means in its reach, including the army, amnesty and dialogue, but they have not worked. Let these people have peace by giving peace a chance," Kanyomozi said.

The EALA resolution passed on May 24 is a result of their March 23 visit to the war-torn area where they met President Yoweri Museveni and local leaders.

The legislators resolved that the Council of Ministers recommend for the appointment of the East African Community Peace Committee for Uganda.

If adopted by the Council of Ministers, the Speaker of the EALA will nominate three members of the EALA to the peace committee, while the presidents will appoint a technical committee to support the committee.

The Council of Ministers will report to the Assembly on the progress of the recommendations within one month of passing the resolution.

Article 124 of the treaty states that partner states foster and maintain an atmosphere conducive to peace and security in the region.

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