Some interesting comments about France, now I happen not to know much about France and I wonder whether we have any body out there with such a knowledge to help us here.
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----- Original Message -----
From: sea gol
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 8:30 PM
Subject: Re: [camnetwork] France Chides Washington Over 'My Way' World View

In realpolitik, France is a no nonsense nation, mind you. To France's credit is the discovery of the what is today Great Britain in circa 1066 AD, and it started what is known today as diplomacy when France was known as Frank. If you read ancient history, you probably must have heard about Frank and Vandals, Allemagnie and Bourgidians. Ancient Franks is today's French, they are brisk and smart in diplomacy. The US started diplomacy after the opening of the Panama Canal in 1903. The opening of the canal was the first time a sitting US President traveled out of the US since independence. When it comes to diplomacy vis-a-vis Foreign Affairs, the United States is still an amateur-in-the-learning process. The US knows no diplomacy but military engagement. The Expeditionary Force is all about US foreign affairs. When it comes to diplomacy, the US trails behind the French. In diplomacy, the US always finish what the french started centuries ago - Vietnam War is a typical example of what the French started and the US finish. Yes, when it comes to diplomacy and foreign affairs, the US does the dirty and inhumane job with its expeditionary/speial force, while the french uses diplomats. 

Homme De <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
So what!!!!!

What/Who is France???

THE USA remains THE best.. You all should live with
--- Ralph Tanyi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> Top Stories - ReutersFrance Chides Washington Over
> 'My Way' World View
> Sat Jun 14, 2:42 PM ET
> By Tim Hepher
> PARIS (Reuters) - France's defense minister took a
> double swipe at the United States on Saturday,
> accusing her counterpart Donald Rumsfeld of American
> supremacism and U.S. industry of waging "economic
> war" on Europe.
> AFP/File Photo
> Michele Alliot-Marie's remarks, in a newspaper
> interview, were the bluntest criticism of Washington
> by a French official since presidents Jacques Chirac
> and George W. Bush skirted around their differences
> on Iraq (news - web sites) at a summit two weeks
> ago.
> "The American Defense Secretary (Donald Rumsfeld)
> believes the United States is the only military,
> economic and financial power in the world. We do not
> share this vision," Alliot-Marie told Le Monde
> newspaper in an interview published on Saturday.
> In Washington, the Pentagon (news - web sites)
> rebuffed her remarks.
> "The French minister is entitled to her own opinion.
> However her opinion does not accurately characterize
> the policy or position of the secretary of defense
> or the position of the U.S. government," Defense
> Department spokesman Jim Turner said.
> France's suggestion of superpower arrogance comes
> days after Rumsfeld revisited the scene of recent
> bickering over French opposition to the Iraq war by
> distinguishing between "old" and "new" Europe --
> language which infuriated Paris in January.
> Back then, Rumsfeld had dismissed France and Germany
> as "old Europe" in contrast to a "new Europe" of
> mostly eastern European countries more supportive of
> Washington. He repeated the controversial barb in
> Germany on Wednesday.
> Alliot-Marie said military and intelligence
> co-operation between Paris and Washington had been
> unaffected by the split over Iraq. The Pentagon,
> however, said last month France would not be invited
> to a major military exercise in Nevada next year.
> The fallout from the Iraq row was on stark display
> on Saturday as top U.S. military and aerospace
> figures boycotted the opening of the Paris Air Show
> -- a prestigious event held every two years to the
> roar of American flypasts.
> This time, the Pentagon banned the traditional
> aerial displays by its military pilots and scaled
> down its presence at the Le Bourget show in what is
> widely seen as a deliberate snub.
> In her interview, timed to coincide with the world's
> largest air show, Alliot-Marie urged European firms
> to stand together to resist what she called an
> American "economic war."
> "American industrialists are pursuing a logic of
> economic war," she said in the interview, which Le
> Monde daily said had been read and cleared by her
> office before publication.
> "This attitude is not connected to the Iraq episode.
> Faced with this, European industry must regroup in
> order to be in a better position to resist."
> European and American planemakers traditionally
> battle for airline orders at the Le Bourget air show
> outside Paris, but top executives from firms like
> Boeing and Lockheed Martin have all decided not to
> attend this year.
> Alliot-Marie said she was worried by what she sees
> as moves by U.S. investors to attempt to take
> control of firms involved in European defense and
> had ordered a study into the issue.
> ---------------------------------
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