10 Reasons Why I think LRA is the Fighting wing of UPC

1.  Former thugs of UNLA form the backbone of LRA

2.  Former Acholi soldiers fled to the north to be re-integrated in the Acholi society, but because of the difficulties of re-integration, they soon raped and plundered the local population.

3.  The UPC leadership has publicly affirmed that they will not condemn Kony.

4.  LRA does not have a political agenda, there is already one in place as organized by the UPC leadership.

5.  LRA will fight any attempts by Reform Agenda to infiltrate this bizarre organization or make political statements on their behalf since they already have spokespeople within UPC.

6.  Similar to UPC and UNLA, LRA is largely comprised of Acholi tribesmen.

7.  Similarities in dehumanizing, maiming, abducting, raping and killing Ugandans make both organizations to be wrought  from the same metal.

8.  Bush has condemned LRA, UPC intends to have mother of all demonstration against his visit to Uganda.

9.  When Semo’s DP teamed up with Bote’s UPC, LRA’s incursions were suspended during the election campaigns.

10.         Brutality, ruthlessness, pretense and apathy, are common characteristics to both.



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