As we promised
                       Even under normal conditions, UPC's educational policies may make the tensions once again a salient feature of Uganda's politics. All education in Uganda was initially in the hands of the two missions, and although the protectorate government eventually played an increasingly important role through financial grants-in-aid and curricular reform, practically all elementary schools and a good many high schools were still under mission control at the time of independence. It is largely through the school system, however, that national sentiments are inculcated, and to national leaders it seemed obvious that the more Uganda's schools concentrated on turning out good Catholics and good Anglicans and good Muslims, "good" precisely because they saw them selves as basically different from hose believing in other religions, the less they would be turning out good Ugandans. Shortly after the elections  the Minister of Education, Dr Luyimbazi-Zake, broached publicly the possibility of secularization by pointing out that the process had in fact been begun a decade earlier, when Sir Andrew Cohen was a governor. The reaction to this idea was strong and negative, as anticipated, but the Anglicans stood to loose much less than the Catholics, since they in fact gave much less religious instructions in their schools, and as they came to realize this their opposition to the program weakened. About a year letter, in August 1963, the government considered it possible to begin a gradual secularization of the schools. Although strong Catholics were almost all opposed, as were some strong Anglicans, the response was a good deal more muted than some had thought it would be,And the program having fared relatively well has been continued. It has not ceased to be in dispute, however, and infact the Catholic church's antagonism has probably increased, as well it might, since each step forward from the government's point of view is yet another step backwards from the church's. Thus in May 1966 the hierarchy issued possibly its strongest statement so far in defence of religious instructions in Schools and implied that Catholics might have to resist the government actively should Dr. Zaake attempt to enforce a suggestion he had made a few weeks earlier, to the effect that such instructions be discontinued entirely. 
To be continued
How did the Political elites affect this relationship? (Do you know?)
            The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

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