Wakiso Polygamists Taxed More

This having polygamists in Uganda taxed more than the rest is
a roundabout way of introducing  " PROPERTY TAX ".

We thank Mr Sulpisio Ssemwogerere and his team for this.

May be His Worship Mayor Ssebaana-Kizito will also learn
from these trail-blazing Ugandans.

                 Wakiso Polygamists Taxed More

By Christopher Kiwawulo

POLYGAMISTS in Wakiso district are to pay a higher graduated tax, the district
council has recommended.
This follows a recent inauguration of the Revenue Mobilisation Team by the district
council, as a new tax collecting body.
The district finance officer, Sulpisio Ssemwogerere, said the team and every village
chairman and parish chief, would move from house to house and levy taxes
according to the property one owns.
“Polygamists will have to pay more tax in comparison to others. Each home they
possess, will be assessed separately,” Ssemwogerere told the Nangabo sub-county
executive recently.
The system, that starts with Nangabo, is aimed at increasing the tax base and
reducing the money spent on hunting tax defaulters in the district.

                  New Vision.
                  Published on: Wednesday, 9th July, 2003

Mitayo Potosi

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