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Subject: Kakoza Mutale lured the children to UPDF military training Wing
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2003 15:45:54 +0200
Dear all,
My attention has been drawn to information which were not very accurate.Just
today me,Hon.Mao,Hon.Otto,Hon.OCULA,Hon.Santa collected 11 children from
kampala central police station.These children were lured by Major mutale who is
also a presidential advisor to the President of Uganda that he was offering
scholarship for them at his matembe institute of technology .On arrival, they
were told that the most important subject was military science-therefore
military training began.These children were ferried by the movement bus the
plitical symbol of the ruling movement in Uganda.The children could not cope up
and decided to leave.Major Mutale ordered that those with transport money would
be droped at the buspark in kampala while those without money would be droped
at luwero-Gulu highway to walk their ways back home.It was on monday that 12
children were droped at the buspark-11 boys then called me and told me the
story and I directed them to the police station to register a case.Today we
decided to hire a vehicle to take them back to Acholiland against the wishes
and directive of Mutale to the police.One girl had already been picked up by
her relatives in kampala.
These children are aged between 13-18 and were either in senior one or had
completed primary school,because of desperation they were lured in the name of
scholarship.They told us that the children are from the districts of
Gulu,Pader,Kitgum,Masindi,pALLISA,Iganga,and mbarara.They said there were about
115 Acholi children who remained there plus other children.This is an abuse and
grave violation of the rights of children.We have taken up the matter and will
follow up the other children.But we must praise the resilience of these 12
children and this courage is our strength and hope!
We suspect that these clandestine training is to prepare a paramilitary force
to help the movement in the elections of 2006.My appeal to all is to highlight
the plight of these children which is symbolic of the vulnerability of children
in war situation and those who live in absolute poverty especially in nothern
Uganda.I would call for support interms of school fees for secondary education
in the Acholi sub-region.
If any one needs the detail of these children;I will give on request.

"You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom."- Malcom X

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