And do you know why they did not distribute guns into Bunyoro for the Banyoro Bakiga conflict? For they are not biological substance.
            The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, July 04, 2003 1:23 PM
Subject: [Ugandacom] Gen. Odongo Wants Youth to Fight Kony

Odongo said that each sub-county in Teso would receive 100 guns, with 15 sub-counties in Katakwi district receiving 50 guns each.


Talk about  the  unhindered poliferation of   the Ugandan subregion of TESO  with guns....and US President George  Bush wants to add even more guns!!!!!!!! Oh boy!! We already have   tens of thousands of guns in Karamoja subregion which has and is still a headach for the Museveni  dictatorship  to remove from the  Karamojong!!


PS: How many sub-counties  are in Teso? multiply  that  number by 100... that is  how many more weapons  will be used  to kill !!


Gen. Odongo Wants Youth to Fight Kony

The Monitor (Kampala)

July 3, 2003
Posted to the web July 3, 2003

Patrick Elobu Angonu

The Minister of State for Environment, Lt. Gen. Jeje Odongo, has called upon all able-bodied youth in Teso to report to their sub-county headquarters to receive arms to fight the Lord's Resistance Army rebels.

Odongo, who also represents the Army in Parliament, made the call during a rally at the Soroti Sports Ground yesterday.

The rally by was organised by the Minister of State for Health, Mr Mike Mukula, and resident district commissioners Edward Masiga (Soroti), Max Omeda (Gulu) and Musa Ecweru (Kasese).

Odongo said that each sub-county in Teso would receive 100 guns, with 15 sub-counties in Katakwi district receiving 50 guns each.

"I am telling you that the war against Kony's LRA invasion in Teso has just started. This is the time for the sons and daughters of Teso, old and young, to fold their sleeves, tighten their belts and buckle their shoes in readiness for war. It is a debt. It is an enemy to be confronted," said Odongo, who was dressed in military fatigues.

The general said that the LRA rebels are still active in Teso - with a big force in the Nyada parish in Kapelebyong sub-county and Olwa in Morungatuny sub-county in Katakwi district.

Morungatuny is Odongo's birthplace and Olwa is 2km from his home.

The rebels, led by Mr Joseph Kony, have been abducting and killing people in Teso since two weeks ago.

President Yoweri Museveni has, however, said that the UPDF has defeated the LRA in Teso, forcing the rebels to flee back to the north.

Meanwhile, four suspected rebels that the UPDF paraded before the rally have disputed earlier reports by Mukula that the LRA's second in command 'Brig.' Vincent Otti was killed or seriously wounded in battle.

The suspects said that they had not heard about or seen any top LRA commander killed.

"'Brig.' Otti has never set foot in Teso and I know him very well. He only used to come and address us in Acholi before we came to Teso. I don't remember whether there was any battle in Teso where Otti was wounded or killed," said one of the suspects, Mr Ray Okello.

Okello claimed that the rebels abducted him early this year.

Okello said that he escaped and surrendered to the army.

The other suspects; Mr Patrick Okello, Mr Francis Otace and Mr John Bosco Okello also said that they were abducted by the LRA.

The rally was mostly attended by school children, something that annoyed RDCs Omeda and Ecweru.

The RDCs suggested that shops in Soroti town should be closed if adults ignored a similar rally next time.

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